Chapter 15

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Imagine that one day you wake up, and you have a thought. A very odd thought. One that is not only odd, but it makes you realise something. Perhaps you've felt something similar before. Don't worry if you have, because I have too. It was just last night, exactly a month into this great party I'm throwing that I woke up randomly. Two in the morning, I woke up, thinking that what if my entire life was just a dream, and I've been imagining everything? Though, I know it's not true. Because everyday, I wake up, and I can feel things, breathe, smell things, and much much more. Sorry for being so random with that. It's just, it came to me randomly when I woke up - well, randomly.

As I expected, most of my guests had returned to their homes. Quidditch tryouts had gone great. Ron made the team, along with Edward, Harry, Fred, George, and of course Draco and Myself. It is almost halfway through the second month of summer, and the only guests I have now are the ones on my Quidditch team, Zoe, Percival "Pip", Ashton, and Marcus. Zoe finds it a bit odd that most everyone here still is a boy, but in all honesty, I'm just friends with more guys than girls. Guys, after all, are less dramatic. Marcus, we found out, is going to be repeating his seventh year at Hogwarts, lucky for all of us. At least he has finally stopped complaining about "how much he's going to miss us when he leaves". Draco has lightened up to the fact Edward and I are "officially a thing now" as he calls us. Fred and George are still having fun with the wall connecting their rooms, and have even asked me on multiple occasions to do the charm on their room floors. They want to be able to drop things on the people below them, as they say. Even with no one staying below either of them, I refused to do the charm. Normally during the summer, I wake up early, but since only the closest of my friends are at my manor, I've found myself waking up later. It has turned into a bit of a habit I must say. To make matters worse, I've been falling asleep and waking up again, only to fall back asleep again today. In a few days, I am going to Diagon Alley, to collect my stuff for my Fourth Year at Hogwarts.

Harry, oddly enough, hasn't complained one bit about that filthy Muggle family he lives with. It is a surprise he hasn't entirely moved in with the Weasley family. They're better than that Muggle family. The Weasley family are purebloods, though, you wouldn't really expect it. Sometimes I find it hard to believe they're Purebloods, just like I am. On the positive side, they're actually a great family. Ginny Weasley, the youngest of the lot, I have to admit is a bit weird. Most likely because she has this odd obsession with Harry. Fred and George are probably my favourites of the family. We three like to tease one another often. Though, I think I've said enough about the Weasley lot. After stretching, I got up and walked into my bathroom. Turning on the shower, I walked toward me my sink and started brushing my teeth while I waited for the water to heat up. Five minutes later, I was out of the shower. It doesn't take me long to get ready for the day, as long as I'm not going to a special occasion.

After getting dressed, I walked out of my room. Closing the door behind me, I lazily walked over to the stairs. Harry, Draco, Ron, and the others were already awake. Long before I woke up, I suppose. Not even bothering to say hello, I walked straight past them and into the back room. Which was through a wall, but the room wasn't secret at all. Anyone who's been in my manor before knows it's there. Through the wall left of the fireplace. In the large room, we - I - kept very few things. Slowly, I made my way over to a chair, where I took a book off of the shelf. Flipping through the pages, I got back up and walked out of the room. The book, despite its very bright colouring, wasn't a very "bright-magic" book. This book is one of the many that father had given me, to complete my knowledge of the Dark Arts. Now a days, I rarely ever needed the books because I had the majority of things memorised. But, every so often, I will pick one up, to do a bit of "light reading" you could call it. Or even "heavy reading" if you wish, considering some of the books are very large. Especially the potions ones. Curses by far are the easiest of all spells to remember. One of the ones my father created is a personal favourite of mine. Briefly, I looked up and made my way over to an empty spot near Harry. To my surprise, he didn't give a rude look, or even move from his spot. He just gave enough room for me to sit.

Once finding the spell I was looking for, I closed the book. Leaning forward, I placed the book on the coffee table, and looked at my friends. Ignoring the odd - more confused - looks I'd gotten from Harry and Ron, I continued to sit in silence. Refusing to speak, I listened to the boys complaints about me having practise set for "too early" tomorrow morning. In a way, I kind of have to agree about scheduling practise a tad bit too early. But coach Josh Fletch had asked me to make practise between five thirty and seven in the morning. As, in his own words "there are a limited few who need extra practise" on this years team. After he had left me on the field yesterday, I stood for minutes thinking of who needed the extra practise. It wasn't until we got home that I realised it was Draco and myself that needed the extra practice. We are, after all, the ones keeping the record of our wins. Since Draco and I got on the team, we've only lost one game. Eventually, Zoe, who like I, had been quiet most of the time, got up. She walked over to me, leaned down, and whispered for me to meet her in the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Zoe sat at the bar, while I looked through my fridge. She, like just about any girl, has a crush on Harry Potter. Honestly, I tell you, I don't see what people like about him. Then again, some people probably don't understand why or how I'm in love with two boys at once. Zoe, knowing I could probably do it, asked me to talk to Harry, and let him on about her liking him.


GUYS. GUESS WHAT. I MADE IT THROUGH A CHAPTER WITHOUT HAVING TALKING IN IT. ARENT YOU PROUD OF ME? You should be. Because I try not to add a lot of talking in my chapters, but it just happens. And I made it through this one without literally having any conversations.

- Gracesen 💚

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