I Tried

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All I did was tell the truth but, that was not what you wanted to hear. You blame me, the one who was always there. The one that gave you advice in your darkest times and dried your tears.
Don't think I'll make these mistakes again. I'm sorry but I won't miss you for all these times. I will let you go.
Live your life but, I would be my happiest if you done so as far away from me.
*Sorry it wasn't my best. It is honestly pretty shitty in my opinion I wrote this to help myself cope with some current things. Stay happy guys and to do what's best for you. If there is one thing I want to let you guys know is that in the end the only person that matters is you. If people try to bring you down just cut them out of your life. You might seem lonely for a long time but when everything works out you will be happier than you've ever been.*

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