Chapter 4

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It was a nice little restaurant where they went for lunch. Julian was surprised how his celebrity status seemed to temporarily die down and he was just another person in the crowd. He liked it. He didn't want unwanted attention or news reporters asking him all sorts of questions but he was kind of expecting some false gossip in the news columns about this 'date'. They found a corner table away from the windows.

"I'll have a honey glazed steak with vegetables and some orange juice," Felicity placed her order.

"I'll have the same," Julian said.

The waiter took away their menu cards, nodded politely and left. Felicity wondered how nobody paid any unusual attention to the. After all Julian was quite a celebrity. 

People must be thinking that we're just another father-daughter duo, she smiled at that thought.

"Something funny?"Julian asked.

"Just a random thought," Felicity replied.

"Please do share.

"I don't mean to offend you... But I was just thinking how you're just an ordinary person now. And also that some people might be thinking that you are my father,"she giggled softly. He smiled too.

"Are you not gonna ask me why I asked you out for lunch today?" He asked.

"Yes. Why?"

"Honestly I don't know. I just wanted to meet you again. You are a curious little thing. I guess I wanted to get to know more about you."

"There isn't anything to know about me. I live an ordinary, boring, middle-class life. Nothing interesting there. I was born in Arizona. I attended public school. I work at APM Limited. I live in California... And I guess that's it about me."

Julian laughed. This was not what he meant when he said that he wanted to know more about her. But he didn't interrupt when she was speaking. He was just looking at her. Listening to her intently. Devouring every word that came out of her mouth. He looked up to meet her gaze, to find her looking at him in rather a funny way with one eyebrow raised.

"Something funny?" Felicity quoted his words.

Their food was placed before them but neither of them touched it for a while. Not even Felicity, who was quite hungry. It wasn't everyday that she got a chance to sit in front of Julian Assange and converse with him. She didn't mind if the food got cold.

"That was not what I meant when I asked you to tell me about yourself," he said looking at the food.

"Well, what did you mean then?"

"I meant something more intimate. Like... What do you do when you're free? Do you like travelling? What are your parents like or your brother or sister for that matter? Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Yes... And no."

"I'm sorry?"

"Yes I do have a boyfriend. And no because we're not together presently."

"Why not?"

"He said that he is too busy these days and he can't give enough attention to this relationship."

"And you believe that?"

"What's not to believe? People do have work load," Felicity said defensively.  She didn't want to talk about Derek. She hated how he dominated every aspect of her life. And she didn't want to share details of her private life with a complete stranger, no matter how famous or good looking he was. 

"Maybe he's not interested in you any more. Or maybe he's just banging another chick," Julian said dryly.

"That is extremely rude and inappropriate!" Felicity raised her voice. "You have no right to present your crazy theories regarding my life."

Julian's eyes widened as if he couldn't process what was happening. As if he couldn't understand why his friend was reacting in such a way. But he didn't say anything to further prove his point. "Sorry," he apologised. None of them said anything until Julian broke the silence and eating a piece of his steak he said,"It really is funny how people react when they face the truth. It's not new to me though. It's the same with everybody. You were no exception."

Felicity did not know what to say. A moment ago he was that really hot looking eccentric guy whom she felt attracted to and now all she could see was a heartless, obnoxious man.

"I guess I should go now," Felicity grabbed her purse and got up to leave. She walked towards the door and as soon as she left the restaurant the felt someone holding her wrist. She turned to face a guilty faced Julian. His eyes were asking for forgiveness even though he said nothing. It was a face no one could say no to. But Felicity was in no mood to forgive him. She yanked her wrist out of his grip and walked off without noticing that she had dropped her ID. 

She went to Ingrid's place that night. Ingrid could feel that something was with Felicity but whenever she asked, her colleague would change the subject. Felicity felt stupid at how she went all 'teenage dream' over someone like Julian Assange. Not only was he- Felicity thought- obnoxious but also egotistical. She brushed off that thought thinking that all famous people are like that. Even though she didn't want to believe that.

She sat on Ingrid's couch scrolling through her Facebook news feed and stuffing popcorn into her mouth. She was hungry and looked over  to the kitchen from time to time to see if dinner was prepared. Ingrid had been at it for quite some time. She went back to her Facebook account. A minute later, her phone buzzed. 

1 text message, it said. She opened it to see that it was a message from Julian.

Pls come meet me at the park. I'm waiting. -Julian.

She kept her phone down. She didn't want to speak with him. Having a conversation with him was tedious. That was an absolute insolent behaviour that he put up today. 

Pls. I'm sorry for my impertinence. 

Felicity didn't want to reply. But nevertheless she took up her phone and typed...

You have apologised. There is nothing more to say. Goodbye Mr Assange.

Ping! Her phone buzzed again.

No I want to apologise to you properly. Just once. Pls come to the park.

She sat there looking at her phone for a while thinking whether to go or not. He did just want to say sorry. And she still thought he was kinda cute. She kept thinking where she had stuffed away all her "strong-independent woman" attitude and especially her self- respect. She wanted to see him more than anything, to see those apologetic eyes again but she also wanted to maintain her ground. Finally she decided to go. All that thinking would do her no good and she'd end up regretting not having gone to listen to what he had to say. He was after all no ordinary man...

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