30. Under Wing

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6 years ago...

The hazard pay for messing with the South Exdritch Army was overwhelmingly high. A job like that provides enough currency to seriously have a shot at, well, getting out. 'Chasm' is completely overqualified to raid a weapons cache, but it'll certainly be worth it. It'll certainly be life changing.

It took an overnight trek to get over towards the location. It was the centre-west part of South Exdritch territory; in other words, the middle of nowhere. One weapon stockpile among many other bigger ones, surely. Cleo tagged along due to Drew's complete allergy to leaving her unattended, even more so at two in the morning. 

Drew rummaged through metal boxes full of shells and handguns. There were longer cases with black rifles with scopes laid by the side of them to be attached later. Primitive looking radar, sonar, and radio equipment were scattered about. All Drew needed to do was fill some bags and go underground and the job was completely good. This cache wasn't as unguarded as once thought, however.

"I didn't think I'd have to deal with two little children tonight. How about you two kids just leave, I don't wanna fuckin' hurt ya." The man couldn't be clearly seen in the darkness, but they could tell he was a tall figure. "I have night vision, ya know. Whoever sent you on this mission was tryna get you killed, jus sayin'."

"You know, actually, that's a good question. Who did send you? I wanna know," the soldier continued to grill. The temperature was rising, and Drew could only stand silently for so long. Instead of turning to answer the man, Drew started to shake the ground violently. The sound of metal clanging and rattling was deafening. 

"Are you... the Chasm? That's unexpected, but a welcome surprise." With his eyes screwed shut and Cleo close by his side, Drew continued to shake the earth around him, for literal minutes, until he was sure that the entire area had sunk into nothingness. "Chasm, that won't work on me. If it was brighter, I'm sure you could see what I am, but I guess I'll have to show you myself.

Suddenly, the two of them were flipped upside down as their legs were gripped and hoisted upward dramatically.

"See, I'm a hybrid. I fly. I want you to meet my people. Maybe there are some favours that we can do for each other. That power of yours is real destructive, and you've caused a lot of damage. I'd be surprised if you didn't know who you were trying to burgle, so how about it? Join the war effort! You won't regret it."

The speed that they were travelling at was immense, with the wind resistance almost burning their skin with chill. The two of them had long passed out from fear; the bandit life was certainly something, but this was another level. After around seven minutes of supersonic travel, the soldier was satisfied to drop. 

Central South Exdritch didn't look anything pretty during the daytime either. It's full of tall, spiky trees with leaves that hardly show up in spring. The gravel that lined the paths was rudimentary; everything was temporary, unfinished, under construction. Even throughout the night, the sound of hammers and handsaws continued, working to decorate the centrepiece with some new permanent buildings as opposed to the usual grotty arrangements that bandits are accustomed to.

The soldier landed on top of a sturdy corrugated roof. Not just any, but a particular one. It made quite a loud screeching sound as his sharp feet scraped it. There was an enraged fumble coming from inside the shelter before the door swung open. "What the fuck is going on?! Garrett?" 

"Hey boss. Not landing on here to nap, I brought something interesting." Garrett started to clamber down with the two in his arms. "Kids? Is this some kind of sick joke?" "They're not just kids. You remember that job we put out? The centre-west cache." "Yeah, I remember that. Chasm took it."

"You see, we were expecting some scarred up fuckin' vet. Nasty fighter that I'd have to call the whole crew over for." "I don't use the word 'crew', but continue." "See, instead of that, there were these two kids." Garrett laid them gently onto the grass while they slept. "I didn't want any kids to get hurt, so I just talked to 'em. Told 'em to leave. I did ask who sent them but I expected them to just scram anyway. Not like I'd be interrogating 'em."

"Where are you going with this?" "Well, the thing is. The boy fucked up our whole location good and proper. Shook the whole fuckin' earth, he's Chasm alright." "Chasm's a kid? That's... I don't know. Now what?" "I'm thinking the same thing. You told me we were killing Chasm, but I'm not so sure anymore." "What about the other one, who's she?"

"Bandit friends or something. He was protective, standing in front and all. Listen boss, I think if we can get little Chasm here on our side it'll change the tide of the war entirely. We're getting our fucking asses beat out here." "So we need help from a kid?" "You already know how much potential these elemental types have. With proper training he'll be stronger than whatever old animal you'd put over him."

"And besides, the north have their own kid, don't they? Torching all our troops," Garrett continued. "Okay, you're heard." "And we're keeping around the girl for what, a goodwill gesture?" 

Garrett raised an eyebrow. "Are you a fuckin' idiot? It's a 'killing children is bad' gesture." "That's not what I meant. I meant we can barely house up our own troops, their families, and the wounded as is. Where are they gonna stay?" "I got a place, don't I? Growin' up in the sleepy west doesn't sound too bad."

"Yeah, whatever. Sounds alright. You do know what you're taking on, right?" "Of course, of course. I have a village to raise the kids." "A village?" Blewrythe smirked. "If that's what you call your camp full of crooks, then sure. You're not their dad, though. Don't forget that."

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