Chapter 29

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My dear readers here's the chapter , which I had written long back BUT I wasn't updating because you guys hadn't finished the comment target , and now that you have so here's the chapter , which I hope you all will love and will vote and Comment wholeheartedly.

Comment target – 65+
The sooner you reach this target the sooner I'll update and no updates before that because even I deserve some appreciation.

Happy reading ✨ ✨

Sanvi's POV

Worthless, infuriated and disgusted, maybe these are the words which can clearly describe what I'm feeling right now, or have been feeling since past few days.
Was I that desperate, that I let my guards down , myself shattered my dignity , and gave up to his sweet talks .
This question is haunting me like a terrible nightmare, not ready to leave my side. How could I? I wasn't like this .
How could I let him touch me and do things with me , even when we aren't ready to embrace each other completely,  when he is still hiding his past from me and he  no real feelings for me . If not for Vidhi that day , we might have crossed each and every line ,and what would have happened after that ? Things would have become much more complicated than they already are.

Rivan , the man whom I have been liking or , maybe loving since the time I had seen him at my father's office , where he had come for some buisness collaboration. 
I still remember the day when I had accidentally ran into him in the office , and had shared an eyelock with those cold yet intoxicating eyes of his .
That moment itself I had developed a crush on him , which never faded away unfortunately.

I had feelings for him , but he never had , not even today.
I can't even blame him , because he had already told me that he won't be able to love me, but this stupid heart of mine always chose to hung to that thinnest thread of hope that someday , maybe someday his heart will beat for me. And in the delusion of that hope only , I had got ready to get ruined by him, forever.

Which I think I'm not ready for, atleast not after what all mumma said. Maybe she was right in whatever she said.

(A few days ago)

Sanvi was engrossed in writing the plot of her new book, when suddenly her mobile buzzed , disturbing the serene silence around her. She looked at the caller, and a bright smile appeared on her lips , it was her mother's call.

" So Mrs. Shekhawat, did you finally get time to talk to your one and only daughter huh ? " Sanvi fake complained

" Oh wait ! Is my honey angry at mumma ? " her mother played along .

" Well yes , I am , no doubt about it. " She said being  a little extra dramatic. 

" In that case, I think you won't even bother looking who's standing outside your apartment then. ," her mother, who was standing just  outside the apartment in which Sanvi used to spent her days writing and editing her books in solace, played along. 

But  her words , made Sanvi squeal with happiness and excitement as she ran to open the doors, and there she stood, Shraddha Shekhawat, her mother ,  who ran a renowned event planner company. She was a strong and independent woman and had tried making her daughter the same.

" Mummmaaaaaaa , O God! what an amazing surprise....why didn't you tell me that you were coming ? Oh wait , when did you come back from Mumbai? " She bombered her with questions, while hugging her tightly. Shraddha smiled and patted her daughter's head  .

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