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Roger had always got what he'd wanted in life. He felt nothing short of gleeful every time he watched Autumn glare at Reece with pure, unadulterated hatred behind her eyes. The last thing he needed was his children ganging up on him, so destroying their bond had been essential. It was just business, nothing personal.

It was midnight and as Roger downed another shot of whiskey, he realised he'd finished off the last half the bottle. He staggered into the kitchen, stopping dead in his tracks when he spotted Mia. She was staying over that night and he assumed that she'd come downstairs for some water. His eyes refused to focus properly but he could tell that she was looking at him apprehensively.

As Roger relied on the kitchen counter to keep himself upright, he smirked at the girl stood before him. "Are you proud of yourself Mia? You did well, clearly being a nasty little bitch comes naturally to you." As he narrowed his eyes to help him focus, he felt satisfied when he saw how devastated she looked. He stared at her for several seconds before continuing "you're already using your body to get what you want, aren't you? You've taken to it like a duck to water. It's all you're good for anyway." Roger had always loved hurting people. Ultimately he believed that everyone was beneath him and he saw them as nothing more than chess pieces to use as he pleased. Mia took a step backwards and as she looked at him fearfully, all he felt was anger.

Mia watched as Roger moved closer to her and as she backed up against the kitchen counter, her heart began to pound. He was looking at her like he wanted to destroy her and for the first time ever, she felt truly afraid of him. All she could smell was whiskey as came closer, leering and towering over her. "We can always come up with some other arrangement, if you don't want to be with Reece. I can look after you, that's all you want really. You're just a pathetic, worthless little girl whose own Father couldn't stand her. Maybe he could tell how you'd turn out." He dragged his gaze up and down her body while she tried desperately to shrink away into the shadows and hide herself from him.

When Roger faltered slightly, Mia took her chance. She shoved past him and immediately sprinted from the kitchen and upstairs, subsequently locking herself in the bathroom. Recently, she'd been so desperately clinging to the hope that somewhere deep down, Roger cared for her like a daughter. With every cruel taunt her hope had faded just a little more and finally, she'd accepted the truth. Roger didn't care about anyone and he saw her as nothing more than an object. His heart was empty and Mia was just beginning to really realise how precarious her situation was.

Once she'd wiped her tears, Mia made her way back into Reece's room and climbed into bed next to him. When he turned over to face her, he yawned loudly before flinging his arm down onto her pillow. Mia and Reece had never been particularly cuddly but in that moment, she just wanted to feel safe. She pressed her body against his and allowed him to wrap his arms around her tightly. For the first time ever, she fell asleep enveloped within his arms and just for one night, Reece wondered if he'd finally managed to reach her.

In the morning however, the spell was broken and the rain had returned. Mia had already been distant, snappy and cold. Over the next few weeks, Reece watched helplessly as her heart turned black. She dyed her hair a vibrant burgundy red as her eyes became dull, twisted and cruel.

It wasn't until many years later that Reece realised that he'd watched her die.