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Before I start, I just want to say that this Subaru will be a little different since he grew up different, but he still will have some of the core Subarus personality. Sorry if you wanted him to be different! Also, you will see his abilities as the story progresses, so stay tuned and don't skip chapters if you don't want to be confused!

JAPAN: 1:00 AM

Currently, we go to a room with a boy who just turned 18 a week ago. Wearing a tracksuit and having spikey black hair. The boy was currently looking on his computer, bored out of his mind.

Subaru: *scrolling through his gaming library* Ah, man! I played all the good games. Now I have to play these shity ones!! And, on top of that, I ran out of food!

The boy, now named Subaru, glared at the screen with his evil looking eyes. Mad that he didn't go get food earlier in the day.

Subaru: *sighs* No need stressing about it now... Let's see if there are any gas stations opened.

After a couple minutes of searching the web, he found a gas station not far from where he was, still opened at this time of night.

Subaru: *jumps up and yells* Yes! Take that world! Natsuki Subaru isn't going hungry tonight!

Subaru stopped after realizing that the gas station was closing in an hour. After he grabbed his wallet, he rushed out of the door and ran towards the gas station. Though, some people who were still up at the time looked surprised at someone able to run as fast as a car.


After a couple minutes of running, Subaru stopped since he saw he was there. Once he entered the gas station, he decided to look at the manga before finding some food.

Subaru: *grabs a random manga* This one looks interesting!

While reading the manga, he saw that the MC was similar to him in some ways. Which made him remember what happened a year ago.

Subaru: *frowns and puts the manga back*  (No matter where I go, I can't ever be normal...)


Subaru opened his locker as other people passed by in a school uniform, either talking about the newest movie, gossip, or other child like things.

Subaru: *picks up some books* (Gotta grab everything quickly! An MC like me can't be late on my first day! I got to make an impression on all those cute girls!)

(AUTHOR NOTE: he will get better, I promise!)

Before Subaru could close his locker, a tall man standing at 6ft pushed Subaru and made him almost fall. Causing Subaru to gather his things, close his locker, and glare at the arrogantly smirking man.

Bully: *smirks arrogantly* Listen up, newbie. I am the top guy around here, which means when I say something, people do it... So hand over all your money!

The people in the hallway stopped and looked on, curious about what was happening. Though Subaru could only glare and say in a angry tone.

Subaru: *glares at him* I ain't giving you anything, go bother someone else as*hole! (Man, I can't stand this guy!)

The bully stopped smirking and looked down at Subaru with hatred in his eyes. He gripped his fists and said.

Bully: *glares at subaru* That wasn't a request. Either give me your money, or I will beat it out of you!

Subaru: *smirks* If you think you can take me, then bring it! (This will definitely help me get famous real quick! Before I know it, people may even give me some flashy title or something!)

The bully didn't say anything and just swung his fist at Subarus face, though to Subaru, it was moving in slow motion. Subaru took advantage of that and dodged the swing while sending his own punch, which hit the bully's stomach, causing him to be sent flying into the lockers across from them and crash to the floor in pain.

Subaru: *walks over to him while smirking* Had enough?

Bully: *furious* You're dead!!

The bully immediately got up and tried to punch him again. Only for Subaru to dodge and start punching him in the face for a solid minute, making blood come out of the bullys mouth, making him look like a monster to the students while to Subaru, he thought he looked like some classic fighting protagonist.

Subaru: *stops after a minute* Had enough now?

Before Subaru could say anymore, the bully fell to the ground, not moving, making everyone concerned and scared. Subaru was shocked and went to the floor to check if he was okay only to see the guy barely breathing, making him get concerned and say.

Subaru: H-Hey, you okay? Hey, say something!

He started to shake him while others were either calling an ambulance or started to back away afraid of Subaru, which he took notice of quickly and said.

Subaru: *looks at the people around him* H-He was the one who struck first! I was just defending myself! (What's happening!!)

Random student 1: *afraid* This guy is a monster! Let's get out of here quickly!

Random student 2: *backs away* I am getting out of here!

Random student 3: This freak is crazy!

While others said similar things while running away from him, which only made Subaru try to call out to them, though they never listened and just kept running.

Subaru: *tears come out of his eyes* W-Why are you guys running away!? I was just defending myself!


After he grabbed a microwaveable cup of raman, he started heading to the register.

Subaru: *heading to the register* (Ever since that day, things never got better, people avoided me and made so many rumors about me that the teachers didn't even want to get close to me... After a year of that treatment, I left high school and became a shut-in...)

Once he paid for his groceries, he left and started heading out, trying to forget about those terrible memories he had a year ago.

Subaru: *exists the gas station* Maybe if I was in one of those isekai world's, I could actually feel normal!

Subaru remembered the idea, which always was just that. An idea. Though to Subaru, he liked to at least dream.

Subaru: *see his vision get hazy* Ugh! (Damn, I need to stop playing games so late...)

Subaru tried to fix his vision only to open his eyes and see it was day-time outside, which confused him since it was just night a minute ago. Though what shocked him was houses that looked medieval, people in old looking clothes, and demi looking humans walking around. Once he had a minute to adjust to this new atmosphere, he had only one thought.




Hope you guys liked the prolouge! While I also hope that I portrayed Subaru fairly accurately. Though I do need to say three things!

1: I will update this story when I feel like it! So, there is no time frame on chapter one!

2: I am becoming gege just to write this, so if you expect sunshine and rainbows, then you should leave since I am making this dark.

3: There will be no harem! Rem is the best girl, so she is the ship! If you disagree, then that's on you, Emilia simps.

Hopefully, that clears things up. See you guys in chapter one!

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