Going Back Home

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I realised that Marc had been becoming more and more distant.

Although, we talked, over the phone or in person, it seemed as though he was miles away.

"Are you listening?" I'd ask.

No response.


"Oh....sorry, there's just something on my mind," he'd reply.

Well to recently, a lots been on his mind, I brushed it off at first, but now... I just felt hurt.

"Marc!" I'd hear someone in the background shout, then he'd say that he had to leave.

"Sorry, Kali, I really am." And hung up.

He hanged up, and I'd silently reply to no one.

I was really glad the vacation was going to be over soon, because I couldn't handle, his distance anymore.

Marc's POV

"Marc!" my uncle shouted.

I sighed, knowing that I'd have to go.

I apologized to Kali, and hung up, not wanting to hear her sad tone of voice that would just make me feel worse.

I lived with my uncle and his sons, my dad fell ill, and I needed to stay with someone, knowing that my mom left a long time ago.

I got up from the old tattered couch, and went to see what Uncle Phil wanted.

He wore his usual ancient red cap, and ripped up knee lenght jeans, that forever had mud stains all over. He was bare chested which showed off his overly hairy chest.

Life at my uncle's house wasn't as glorious as it was back home.

He lived at the countryside. He had a few animals and an average size garden that required a lot of work. So although, his two sons were available it was still a labour intensive job.

"Do you need help with the farm, Uncle Phil?"

"No, we need to talk," he responded seriously, and gestured for me to sit on the rotted log beside him.

I did, and looked at him, with curiosity on my face.

"Our land has been being threatened, for quite some time now, by the Others, and its getting worse as we speak. There are a few of us left on Earth, and going against them would be tough, but we need to. It's the only chance we've got."

He took off his cap and wiped his forehead.

"So what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that we all, we all need to go to the Morglands, and we need to reclaim what's ours."

He patted my back, got up and left.

The Morglands? But, what will I tell Kalisa? I cant tell her where I'm going.

I sighed deeply and just sat there looking at the soon setting sun.

The Morglands...

But I wanted to tell her...Everything

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