Prophecy Of Tartarus (pt 2)

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The morning after my arrival at Camp Half-Blood, I woke to find the camp bustling with activity. The previous day had been a whirlwind of revelations and dramatic events. After a quick breakfast and some introductions, Chiron pulled me aside with a serious look on his face.

"Y/N, there's something important we need your help with," he began.

"What's up?" I asked, curiosity piqued.

Before Chiron could answer, I was interrupted by Connor and Travis Stoll, the notorious pranksters of the camp. They were known for their mischief, but today, their antics took a turn for the worse. They had set up a series of traps and illusions that seemed to target me specifically.

As we walked through the camp, I stumbled into a net that pulled me up into the air. Laughing voices surrounded me, and I glared at the Stolls as they emerged from their hiding spots, grinning widely.

"Very funny," I snapped, trying to free myself. The net was too tight, and no amount of wriggling would loosen it.

"Just having a bit of fun," Connor said, his grin widening.

"Yeah, lighten up," Travis added, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Anger bubbled up inside me, a deep, uncontrollable rage that I hadn’t felt before. My heart pounded, and my vision blurred with frustration. Suddenly, the ground beneath me trembled. A powerful surge of energy coursed through my body, and before anyone could react, the net disintegrated into thin air.

In an instant, a glowing trident appeared above my head, shimmering brightly. The symbol of Poseidon. The camp fell silent, eyes turning toward me in shock and awe.

"It's her," Percy said, his voice a mix of awe and concern.

Annabeth nodded, her expression serious. "She’s the one the prophecy spoke about."

Chiron stepped forward, his gaze intense. "Y/N, you have been claimed by Poseidon. Your anger has awakened a power within you, one that goes beyond the ordinary."

I looked up at the symbol of Poseidon, my heart racing. The weight of the revelation hit me, but before I could process it, Chiron handed me a piece of parchment with a prophecy written on it. I squinted at the words, my dyslexia making them swim and dance on the page.

"Uh, it says... Dragon of the sea and... death twined? Son of a forge... and fire refined... Together they shall find the bay... To quell the ancient god and keep night away?" I read aloud, my voice uncertain.

Annabeth took the parchment from my hands. "Close enough," she said with a small smile. "But yes, you and Leo have a quest to undertake."

Before I could say anything else, Chiron cleared his throat. "Actually, let me read the real prophecy," he said, holding up his hand for everyone’s attention.

"Alright, here goes: 'Daughter of the sea, with darkness entwined, who bears the flame and wields the might, to face the ancient god and quell the night.'"

I blinked, processing the real version. "Oh. Well, I guess I got a few things mixed up."

Leo, who had been quietly observing, tried to stifle a laugh. "Dragon of the sea? Really? That sounds like something out of a bad fantasy novel."

"Hey, I tried," I said defensively. "It’s not easy reading prophecies with my dyslexia."

Chiron smiled reassuringly. "It’s alright, Y/N. The important thing is that you and Leo are on this quest together. The prophecy guides us, but your actions will shape the outcome."

I glanced over at Leo, who was busy tinkering with a gadget. He looked up, caught my eye, and gave a small, encouraging smile. Despite our rocky start, I had to admit he was growing on me.

"Alright," I said, determination settling in. "Let's do this."

~   ~   ~

We set out later that day, heading into the woods to make our way from Long Island to New York City. The journey was long and treacherous, but we pressed on, side by side.

The woods were dense, and the path was winding. Leo and I navigated through the underbrush, the canopy above us filtering the sunlight into dappled patches on the forest floor. We talked a bit as we walked, trying to ease the tension from the day before.

"So, what’s your deal, Hot Hands?" I asked, breaking the silence.

Leo chuckled. "You already know I'm a demigod. My dad's Hephaestus. How about you?"

"Poseidon claimed me, but I think there is more that may be ... complicated," I said with a shrug.

"That's heavy," Leo said. "But it’s cool. We’ll figure it out."

~  ~   ~

Night fell, and we found a cave to take shelter in. The cool, damp air was a relief from the day's heat. Leo started a small fire, and we settled in for the night. Exhaustion hit us both hard, and it wasn’t long before we were both asleep.

Sometime in the middle of the night, I woke up feeling warm and safe. I realized I was curled up in Leo’s arms, his body heat keeping me comfortable in the cool night air. His face was so close that I could feel his breath on my skin.

I blinked in surprise, my heart pounding. At the same moment, Leo’s eyes fluttered open. We both froze, our faces inches apart, flushed with embarrassment.

"Uh, morning," Leo mumbled, his cheeks turning a deep shade of red.

"Yeah, morning," I replied, quickly pulling away. I moved to the edge of the cave, my face burning with embarrassment. Leo followed me, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"We should get going," he said, trying to break the tension.

"Yeah, let’s go," I agreed, avoiding his gaze.


The next few days were a blur of movement and activity. We navigated through the city, dodging monsters and making our way to various safe houses. Along the way, we encountered a few dangerous creatures.

The first monster was a draconic serpent that slithered out of the shadows, its eyes glowing with malice. Leo and I fought it off together, combining our strengths to subdue the beast. Despite the danger, we managed to take it down, our teamwork proving to be effective.

Later, we faced a pair of harpies that swooped down upon us as we were resting by a stream. Their shrieks were deafening, and their talons were sharp. It was a fierce battle, but with Leo’s fire and my newfound strength, we managed to drive them away.

After these encounters, our bond grew stronger, and our confidence increased. The journey was tough, but we were making progress.

Finally, we reached our destination—a hidden entrance to the Underworld in a nondescript building in a quiet part of the city. As we prepared to descend into the depths, I felt a mixture of fear and determination. This was it. The final leg of our journey.

"We can do this," Leo said, squeezing my hand. His confidence was infectious, and I felt a surge of strength.

"We can," I agreed, taking a deep breath.

With that, we stepped into the darkness, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

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