Chapter 7

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" I'm calling Dad," Hayward demanded, " or should I call mom?"
"Don't call ether of them. Don't drag them up here!" To late to say anything Hayward was callin anyway. I took the ice off of my jaw to reveal a man's fist sized ugly, purple, blue, and brown bruise. I looked in the mirror it took up pretty well my entire bottom left side of my face. I cried for twenty minutes only not crying for five minutes before Mom, Dad, Sloan, and Kintrey-Jean, get to the grounds. Mom doesn't get two inches in the door and she looks at me and cradles my head as she swears at Drew. Sloan walks in and gasps because of the ugly bruise. Kintrey-Jean with out hesitation says "My God did you get in a fight?" Connor looks at the girls, "how about we go get some food girls?" Mom sends them out and slips Connor a fifty. As soon as they pass the camper below us I ask Mom where Dad is, she says, "hopefully he has but hopefully he hasn't found Drew." Hayward and I look at her confused, " he's so mad I'm afraid he's going to give him the belt, in public." Hayward looks at Mom, " I suppose we should tell you what happened?" "Yes that would be nice, what happened?" I can't hold it in anymore, I don't keep many secrets from my Mom, and we've always been close so I burst. "I kissed Carson Cordell on the top of the Ferris wheel!" Mom turns pale, "oh Hayden my gosh what will your father think?" Hayward being the sweetest of all says, " how can we keep it from Dad?" Mom thinks for a minute, "we can't." I start to cry a little, "please don't let him make me go home!" "I'll see what I can do, so how has Connor been fairing for this year?" My mind races back to him and Dolly, should I tell Mom, Hayward already knows, but that's a bad thing now. Hayward's heart skips a beat to rat out the biggest tattle tail of the boys, " Connor has a girlfriend now, pretty little Dolly Logan who used to come stay with Hayden when her parents went out of town." I don't think there will be a problem of Dad taking us home, Mom is going to go ahead and take us. "Well, he's old enough to get a shot at "love" now so..." She's cut off when there's something slammed against the upper side of the camper. I hear Drew scream and then the door opens with the same force he used to close it earlier. Mom stands, tears start to roll down both her and Drew's checks. Mom resists the want to hug Drew, as she wipes her checks. Drew hangs his head in shame as tears fall to the floor. When all is silent the camper jolts, no wood blocks where used to balance the camper this year so I'm not sure what's going on, just then the camper starts moving everyone knows what's going on now. Does he know we don't have the family from Connor down? I look out the window and watch the campers move by slowly but quick enough. Everyone but me has set down, knowing were leaving the youngest to mind them self even though they could go to Savvy's it scares me for them to be alone. All I can do is fling the door open and jump out.

The Year the Corn Grown Girl Goes MissingWhere stories live. Discover now