Twenty First Call

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Message to: Chloe

Elle~ We watched The Fault In Our Stars and he wouldn't cry!

Chloe~ WAIT! You saw him!

Elle~ no it was video chat and he put it against something facing the TV screen.

Chloe~ you guys are so cute I just can't even✋🏼

Elle~ can u tell me who it is now? Please!

Chloe~ He has to tell you himself!

Elle~ugh....maybe I can get it out of him now.

"Did ya like the movie last night?"

"Like it? I LOVED it!"

"Yeah it was pretty fun,"

"But you didn't cry!"

"How do you know? You couldn't see me,"

"I know but I would of heard you sniffle,"

"I don't sniffle when I cry,"

"So you did cry?!"

"Uh I'm not saying that it's just-"

"You did, didn't you?!"

"Maybe a tear or two..."

"I can't believe you cried and didn't tell me!"

"Well I don't want to sound weak,"

"I think it's cool when guys cry in sad movies,"

"Yeah... next time we've got to watch a funny movie I think you sound better when your laughing then sobbing, 'Augustus Waters! Come back!!!!!!' " *little laugh*

"Well if boys actually acted like him all the time maybe I wouldn't be as sad!"

"Oh sure...."

"Anyways, when am I gonna get my clue? I never got it..."

" my favorite color's blue,"

"Thank you!"


You ended call.
Group chat with James, Chloe, Lily and Mason.

Elle~Do you guys know any boy that's favorite color's blue?

Mason~ oohhhh I love the color blue

James~ SAME

Lily~you guys are acting like girls😂

Elle~ anyone besides you two😂

Mason~ that's kind of hard like every boys favorite color at our school is blue

Chloe~ was it a clue?

Elle~ yeah... but not a good one😒

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