Rain Drops

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You know, I thought of things that we will do!

Like fighting for stupid things, make private jokes, watching scary movies together.

But it will always stay thoughts, flying openly in my brain.

I guess it will always stay a fantasy.

And I will never have you cuddling me on rainy days, while the rain drops are busy tapping on the big glass window.

I'll dream of you at night and when I wake up, you will be probably sleeping peacefully in your twin size bed, miles away from me.

And that's cause you still don't know how I felt the first time I saw you.

And that's cause you don't understand the way my heart was beating, on the day you took my hand and swirled me around like a princess, dancing with me all night long.

And maybe it's not just that! Maybe you were too busy looking at everything else while I was looking straight into your eyes, telling myself "maybe one day he will finally look at me in the eyes!".

Or maybe you were too busy thinking about the worlds population and yesterday's news while I thought 'why are you playing with my feelings instead of admitting yours!?'.

Let me tell you the real reason behind all of this. It is cause I was stupid enough to ran after you like a puppy seeking attention.

All cause I fantasied the moment of two of us dancing, hand in hand and thought it could last forever!

All of this, cause I thought you will kiss me for the first time under the pouring rain on my front porch, when you gave me a ride back home from the party.

All cause I expected from you too much, even though I knew I shouldn't....



First chapter......

I kept it short on purpose. Hope you like it' I tried my best. I'm not that good but I'll try my best.

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