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Sera's eyes widened when she saw Jack sitting in Howard's living room. "Jack, what are you-?"

"Larry, Curly, could you give me a moment?" Jack asked, gesturing to Daniel and Jarvis. "I need to have a word with Moe and Shemp."

Sera handed Jarvis the briefcase and sent the two men on their way. "Jack, we have neither the time nor the patience right now."

Jack held up a file. "You will."

"What is this?" Peggy asked, taking the file.

"Sera has something on me, right?" Jack said. "Now we're even. But I promise, I won't say a word, as long as you both drop whatever it is you're doing and come with me back to New York. To play by the rules."

"This is rich, Jack," Sera said, scanning the file over Peggy's shoulder. "Digging up whatever you can find on Peggy to keep me quiet. That's low."

"Hey, we're even now," Jack said. "I don't care how I had to play it."

"What are you prattling on about?" Peggy asked, holding the file out to Jack.

"This covers your activities in June 1944," Jack said.

"I was in the war, same as you," Peggy replied.

"If you wanna compare war crimes, yours are a lot worse," Jack said.

"Who put you up to this?" Sera asked. "Was it Vernon Masters?"

"All you need to worry about is what's in that file," Jack replied.

"And you never thought to question the convenience?" Peggy asked. "Vernon asked you to discredit us, and you locate the ideal report. Whatever this is, it's a forgery."

"I'm not falling for your slick talk," Jack said.

"But you're falling for his," Sera replied. "You're willing to believe any phlegm Vernon coughs up onto the paper because you're worried that I would betray your trust. I wouldn't. You know I wouldn't."

"This is your choice, not mine," Jack said.

"Chief Thompson, you don't need to cut corners to get ahead," Peggy said. "You're better than that."

She walked away and Sera picked up the file, flicking it open as she read what wasn't redacted. "This doesn't make sense."

"What doesn't?" Jack asked.

"This file," Sera said. "Peggy wasn't there in '44. She was with me," she took the light device from Jack and trailed it over the redacted information. "Agent M. Carter..." the file fell from her hands and the device clattered to the floor with it. "Oh my God..."

"Sera?" Jack said unsurely. "What's wrong?"

"M. Carter," Sera said. "Jack, this file isn't about Peggy. It's about-"

"Sera, let's go!" Peggy shouted.

"About who?" Jack asked, as Sera backed away from him.

She shook her head. "I'll talk to you later if you still want to listen. I have more important things to do."

That file wasn't about Margaret Carter. That file was most likely about Michael Carter, Peggy's brother. Sera questioned herself as she went to the car, wondering how on earth it was possible that Michael Carter could have committed so many unspeakable crimes when he was supposed to be dead.

"Are you alright?" Peggy asked.

Sera nodded. "Absolutely fine."


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