Chapter Five

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Niall's POV

I sat up from my laying position. I was on a couch. "Ugh what happened?" Then the memories of last night came flooding in like a storm. My team won the championship game, Josh threw a party to celebrate, I drank a few beers, Marcel started to bump and grind on me, we went upstairs to go further, we both started undressing then we- "Oh my god I  slept with Marcel!" I had nothing on and Marcel had nothing on but boxers. When I wanted to get closer with Marcel I didn't mean it like this. I have to get out of here.

I got off of Marcel and quickly put on my jeans and boxers then my shirt and flannel I found sprawled out on the floor. I start to see Marcel stir and I made a sprint for the door. I take out my keys and shove them into the ignition. While I'm driving home I can't help but think I just slept with my friends boyfriend.

Marcel POV

School came around fast and it still felt like a had a faint hangover from Friday. I have no idea what happened but going to the party and having too much to drink can do that to a person.

"Ugg, Ed I still have a faint hangover. What the hell happened last Friday night?" I asked walking walk towards the school. Ed only smirked at me and shook his head.


"do you really want to know?"


"Well lets just say you had a lot to drink, did crazy things, and hooked up with someone."

My eyes blown to saucers at what he said. Im not a party animal but from his description I sounded crazy."Wait what do you mean I hooked up with someone?" He just shrugs and we enter school. All eyes are on me and it makes me uncomfortable. I make my way to my locker and I can still feel the stares.

"Ed why are people staring at me!" I whisper shout. Sophia and Liam make their way over and Sophia shoots me a look of sympathy and hands me her phone. Its a video of me dancing on a table drunk while people gather around and chant. There is another video of me on a installed poll swinging and swaying. People were actually giving me money!

"Oh my god guys. Not only did I hook up with some one but I look like a hooker too." I face palm and start to get a miserable feeling at the pit of my stomach. "It's not that bad. Even though your the talk of the school, im sure some girl will get herself pregnant and it will blow over your head." Ed said giving me a pat on the shoulder. "Thanks guys, but I think I need some time to think."

I turn around  and start to fast walk away from my group. I can hear them calling after me but I just ignore them. They are really great friends, its just that I really need to be alone. Away from all the stares. I settle with an empty classroom and just lay down on the desk. I close my eyes. "How did I get myself in this mess?"

"I can tell you"

My head shot up so fast that I slightly got dizzy. "Alex, I'm soo sorry about Friday. I didn't know what I was doing." I apologize genuinely. I didn't want a few drinks and a random hook up to affect my relationship.

"It's ok Marcel, I'm not mad." It feels like a ton of bricks are being lifted off of me.

"Alex that's so great! You don't understand how scared I was-"

"Who was it?" My banter was cut short when Alex asked that question. All you could hear were ice in his words.

"I d-don't get what you mean?"

"I mean WHO THE FUCK DID YOU HOOK UP WITH AT THE GODDAMN PARTY!" Alex literally screamed in my face making me flinch back.

"I-I d-don't kn-know" I was at the edge of tears. Why was Alex being so hostile?

"Well you better find out or me and you are over." Alex said flipping over a desk causing it to break. Then he left. That's when I let the water works finally make way.

I guess the bricks that had been lifted off of me came crashing back.

Why was my life getting so hard when It was almost at its highest peak. How the hell was I supposed to know or even find the person I hooked up with. Why was I the center of attention again.

I start to cry and curl into a ball. The bell rings but I have no intentions on going to class. That's when I realize, this is turning out just like my old school. But I can change that. All I have to do is wait for this to blow over my head just like Ed had said.

I slide off the desk and the bell rings again. I must have missed first period. I head out of the classroom and make my way to my locker. I get stares, I get not so nice comments but I just kept my head high. I'm going  to get through this. Somehow.

I pull out my things for second period when Josh happily skips towards me. "Marcel there you are! We all thought you went home?" Josh said looking confused but still happy as ever to see me. "I should say the same for you. I didn't see you this morning. But I decided to face this problem like a man and just wait till someone else is the talk of the school." Josh nods looking impressed an drags us to second period. Just like last time everyone stares were on me.

"Don't you all have something better to do then stare?!" Josh asked looking pretty pissed. Everyone quickly looked away not wanting to mess with Josh. I wouldn't either. Even though he is short he is pretty strong.

We sit at our assigned seats and the lesson begins. I cant help but notice that Niall isn't here. "Hey Josh do you know where Niall is?" "He stayed home. He told me he hooked up with someone at my party and he didn't want to face them." I nod. I wonder who Niall hooked up with that made him so ashamed. I'm in the same situation. The only difference is I don't remember who I hooked up with.

And that was the information

I needed the most.

Ohhh shit just got real

Why is Alex acting so hostile

What is the real reason why Niall is avoiding his hook up

What was Josh so busy doing that he didn't come to greet Marcel in the morning?

All good questions that need answers

Picture on the side of Marcels outfit.

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