Hello again

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Chapter 2: hello again.

If you feel so empty

So used up, so let down

If you feel so angry

So ripped off so stepped on

You're not the only one

Refusing to back down

You're not the only one

So get up

Let's start a riot, a riot

Let's start a riot

Let's start a riot, a riot

Let's start a riot.

The lyrics of riot by three days grace blasted from my alarm filing my ears shaking my unconscious mind awake. I groaned snuggling closer into the pillow still drifting in and out of subconscious  Unwilling to leave the warm safety heat of my bed. I swear I am going to kill that damn alarm clock

If you feel so filthy

So dirty so fucked up

If you feel so walked on

So painful so pissed off

You're not the only one

Refusing to go down

You're not the only one

So get up

Let's start a riot, a riot

Let's start a riot

Let's start a riot, a riot

Let's start a riot

I rolled to my back the sons bright light, warming my face and eyelids. Burning my eyelids like a son of a bitch. I lifted my right arm trying to turn off my way to loud , motherf#cker alarm. My temper started to boil. This song was one of my favorites but not first thing in the morning. I am not a morning person people. Now that I think about it I am neither an afternoon nor night person. I am a sleep person.

If you feel so empty

So used up, so let down

If you feel so angry

Just get up

Let's start a riot, a riot

Let's start a riot

Let's start a riot, a ri

Mid way in the last chores I decided screw that enough was enough. Grabbing my alarm eyes still closed I threw the brand new very expansive alarm clock from hell across the room. A loud crash came from my right the lyrics dyeing. That’s not the first nor would it be my last alarm clock that sees it’s behind. I slowly frustrated opened my eyes. I slightly sat up on my for arms. my long raven black hair falling down my back and chest. My satin silver-blue blankets tangled around my legs.  The house we were currently living in was small but comfortable. One perk my job had is the money is good always staying in expensive places, nice phones cloths and cars. The room I was now sleeping in had silver-blue walls with dark wood floors, closet  doors, writing desk, book shelve filed with books from different sizes and colors. A full  sized mirror between the desk and shelves.  The room seems normal at first look but if you really pay attention you would realize it is empty. No photos no posters or make up lying around. Nothing that indicates a teenage girls was living there. I haven’t lived like a normal teenager ever. There was a short time that I almost did. A happier time easier to breath to live. I miss that time. I miss him. I miss my lost family. I  miss the person was. I miss having a craving for life.  Uug this is why  I hate mornings . I am always sad and philosophical. I hate all those mixed emotions . It sucks and  takes too much energy. Al my stuff are in easy quick to pack bags. My cloths set to be packed in under five minutes. Trust me I hold the record beating my partner always. Going on the run, We sometimes do not even have the time to get our stuff . I lifted my lazy ass up grunting in frustration. Planted my feet on the heated wood floor. I stood stretching my whole body out my purple shorts and black  t- shirt lifting up.

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