Your Past #2.2

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(11 Year old Y/N)

I begin to slowly wake up. This didn't look like my room... yeah of course it isn't my room! I didn't tell him which one my room is.

This room looks... bigger and way more luxurious. It must be his room.

I look beside me, on the nightstand. There were lying clothes of my size, it was the usual cleaning uniform I wore for the day to do my chores. They had my name on it and there was a hole in one of the sleeves. This was definitly mine... I never knew how that hole got in there but Mr. Leiko got pretty upset about me getting a hole into the uniform. He gave me a 20 Minute long lecture about how disrespectful it is to damage the clothes master provided us with.

I get out of bed and pick up the clothes. I was just about to leave untill master Doma entered.

"Ah, good morning little one.", he says

"Good morning, master Doma", I say

"Just call me Doma, no need for the master", he says

"Alright Doma", I say

"Why do you always end your sentences with my name? Do you also want me to do it, Y/N? I can do it if you want to, Y/N.", he says being quite confused why you do it.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... I will try to stop", I say a bit embarassed.

"It's fine.", he says

He looks down onto the uniform in my hands.

"Ah, one of the workers must have brought you your uniform. You will fulfill your duties today just like usual, but when the sun goes down, please come back to my room. I wanna talk with you about something", he says

"Alright, I will.", I say

He nods and is about to leave the room, untill he turns around again.

"Oh and Y/N, one last rule.", he starts, "As long as you're in my rooms over the day, never open the curtains."

His tone was a stern and serious but I nod and he leaves the room. I start changing into my uniform and hold my clothes from last night in my hand.

I walk towards my room to put my clothes there before going to the same old rooms I go every other Wednesday just to clean them. When I'm done cleaning I go to the canteen for lunch.

I chill there for a while before going up to my room. A few hours later I go back to eat dinner in the canteen. The sun was already down. I completly forgot to meet up with him. I quickly eat up, wash my plate and run towards his room.

As I got to the room I knock on the door and wait for an answer

"Who is there?", someone asks, most likely Doma.

"It's me, Y/N. L/N Y/N", I say.

"Ah, Y/N, come in!", he says

I enter the room, a bit nervous because I forgot the time.

"You're quite late, aren't you?", he says

I nod being a bit embarassed about it.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I totally lost track of time while eating dinner.", I say

"It's fine, at least you didn't forget it completly.", he waved it off, "Now come on, lets go on a walk"

We left the cult together and walked down through the forest. It was pretty dark.

"Isn't it dangerous outside at night? What if a couple of men try to attack us? We are just two! And I'm still a child at that.", I say panicking a bit.

"First of all: Don't worry about it, I'd be able to handle it perfectly. And secondly: You think about that now? Yesterday you were out here all alone. That's what I wanted to ask you. Why were you all alone last night, if you're scared of what might happen?", he asked

"I-..." I was speechless, I didn't think about that last night...
"I guess my memories and my wish to finally go out again got the better of me..."

"You wanted to have more freedom, I see... you mentioned memories, which ones?", he asks.

"The lake and the river. When I was a child I wandered with my grandparents. We always walked to the river, followed it, and then picknicked at the lake. It was always on my birthday. They passed away one night. First my grandma, a few weeks later my grandpa.", I say, my eyes watered a bit.

"Ah, I understand. Must be hard losing their grandparents at a young age. Say, when is your birthday?", he asks

"Oh, it was almost 4 weeks ago.", I say

"It already happened, aw. Now I need to wait a year. How come I haven't seen you around? You have been a member of my cult for about 1 and a half year. And yet we never met.", he says

"I don't know. I thought it was normal because I'm just a child and wasn't suppose to meet the master yet.", I say

"Hm, well, doesn't matter now. We met now.", he says.

I kind of felt like his emotions weren't real, like he was just faking them, but I've never known a person who fakes their personality, so why would he.

Alright cookies, 888 Words! And this part is done too. Btw, if you're wondering why it says #2.2 that's because I do the 'Your past' parts per age. So #1 is 10 years old, #2.1,2.2,2.3,ect. Is 11 years old, #3.1,3.2,3.3, ect. Is age 12 any so on. At some point there will be normal chapter again because as the Titel says, it's about the past.

~His Golden Fan~ Doma/Douma X Fem.ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now