Chapter 1

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I get in my car and turn on the radio. I hear some corny teen pop song. I turn off the radio and put in my CD of Green Day's American Idiot album and skip to track 2. I hum along and smile. I pull into the school parking lot. Senior year and it's almost over. 18 and just waiting until graduation. I park and get out of the car with my back pack. I walk onto campus and take a deep breath. For some reason my wolf, Winter, is being perky today.

'Winter calm down.' I say through the mental link between us. She just yips. I walk over to my locker and unpack my back pack. I grab my note pad and walk to class. I walk in and there is already some guy there. He looks new and Winter starts to howl.

'Quiet! Why are you doing that?' I say but I take in a deep breath and realize as soon as it reaches my nose. Irish cream and coffee. Every nerve seems to stand on end and I can't calm down.

'Mate!' Winter says in a happy bark. I shake my head and sit down in my normal seat, which just so happens to be three away from him.

"Hey." He says and my breathing hitches. His voice is deep and husky. It sounds like perfection. I turn to face him and practically melt.

"Hey, you are new right?" I say and try to keep my cool. He is so perfect looking. He has shaggy-ish blonde hair, green eyes that also kinda look almost hazel, an adorable pixie nose, and an amazing smile.

"Yeah, just transferred from Hearst." He says in that voice that I can't seem to get enough of, he could keep talking all day and I would enjoy every second of it. I would savor it.

"What made you transfer in your senior year?" I ask and he laughs. God that sound is music to my ears.

"The students here just didn't understand the concept of respect and this school has a much better curriculum system. And now your an added bonus." He says and right then the teacher walks into the room and sees that we are already here. She is used to me being here already but I am typically alone. She looks at the new kid and then sighs.

"Hello Ari. Hello new kid, what's your name?" Mrs. Parker asks and my ears perk up to hear his name.

"I'm Austin." He says and Winter howls again.

"Welcome to Chapman High School. We are starting a project today and maybe Ari here would be willing to be your partner?" She says and I almost say no. How am I supposed to get anything done when my mate is within three feet of me?

"I am game if she is." Austin says and that is what causes me to just go with it. I hope to god I don't fail this project.

"Hello partner." I say and the rest of the class starts to flow in. There is the schools hottie who is also the head cheerleader. She spots Austin and sits next to him. She starts chatting him up and Winter starts to growl. I feel a pang of jealously but he has only said hello to me. Maybe he doesn't want me and wants Chelsea instead. It makes sense she has boobs and a bum but she is a twig. She is flexible and strong, not to mention her status in this school. I turn to face the board and something I didn't expect happens. He hands me a piece of paper.

"Can I sit by you? She won't shut up and it is getting on my nerves." I read it and look over at them. If he sits by me I won't be able to concentrate, but it will get Chelsea out of play for a while. He is looking at me waiting for an answer. I nod yes and he hurriedly comes and sits by me. Chelsea looks confused but shakes it off and talks to her cheer friends instead.

"Thank you." He says and I smile. I look over ant him and instantly eye contact is made. I can't believe how beautiful his eyes are. They are just amazing and they seem to grow deeper and deeper with every second. I break the gaze and look up at the board.

"It's no problem." I say and the teacher begins today's lesson.

The Alpha's New PetTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon