Chapter 4

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Allison's POV.

When I woke up my head was pounding. I heard faint snores coming from the floor. I looked over and saw Hailey passed out. I slightly laughed causing my head to pound even harder. I groaned and pulled myself out of the bed, being careful not to step on Hailey. I made my way to the bathroom to get some Ibuprofen.

Once I took the pain killer I got some out for Hailey. I walked to the kitchen and got a glass of water. I then walked back up to my room, tripping over something. "Owww, what the heck." Hailey groaned. "Omg I am so sorry." I said once I regained my balance. I handed her the medicine. She took it then glared at me. 

She randomly started laughing at me. "Hailey, what?" She continued laughing. Once she calmed down she finally told me. "You look like shit." I giggled causing her to look at me weird. "So do you." 

I went to my bathroom, Hailey trailing behind me. We stood in front of the mirror. My mouth hung open at the sight. I looked pretty sleep deprived, my makeup was running down my face, and my clothes are all lopsided. "Close your mouth you're gonna catch flies." I closed my mouth and started laughing. 

After we were done cleaning up we went down to go get breakfast. "What do you want to eat?" She shrugged. "I don't care." Just as she finished saying that the door opened. My mom walked in. Thank god that we had cleaned up earlier.

I walked over and hugged her. "What are you doing here?" I asked. She looked at me cautiously. "I quit my job." She said causing me to go into shock. "Wh-what? Seriously?" She nodded. "What did you say?" "I told them that I didn't get to spend enough time with my daughter." I was practically beaming right now. "Oh, mom I haven't gotten the chance to introduce to Hailey." I told my mom a little about Hailey and I's past.

"Well girls since I don't have anything to do today so how about we go to the mall?" Hailey and I both nodded and we piled in the car. "So, what did you girls do last night." Me and Hailey looked at each other. "We went to the movies." "Oh, what movie did you see?" My mom asked. "Magic Mike XXL." Hailey blurted before I could say anything different. 

Once we arrived at the mall we all got out and walked to Bath and Body Works. I had gotten some Velvet Sugar body lotion and spray. We then went into Victoria Secret. My mom didn't want to go in there, so she went into Old Navy. 

Hailey and I were looking at this set of a Black push up bra and matching lace panties, and Hailey was looking at a matching white one. "Omg. You've got to be kidding me." She said a little worriedly. "What?" "Uh, don't look now but there are three fuckboys behind you." I slightly glanced behind me, sure enough there Jack, Johnson, and Sam were standing there. 

We quickly grabbed our stuff and went to the check out area. Just as Hailey finished paying i walked up to the cash register when I heard the two words I had been dreading. "Hey princess." Jack said while leaning against the counter. "Whatcha buying?" He looked at my set that I was buying before i could hide it. "Oh, that's sexy, were you planning on wearing that for me?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "You wish." I snapped back. 

Before I could do anything it was snached out of my hand. "Damn girl." I heard Johnson's voice say. I turned around and saw Sam and Johnson looking at it. I took it back, "Why are you even in here? This is a girls store."  "Just curious." Sam stated. 

I had finally payed for my stuff when Hailey came up to me. "I am so sorry I just didn't know what to do." She said as we walked out. "Its fine, I understand." We found my mom and then we went home.


Sorry this chapter is so short.

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