Last chapter!!

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Juvia and Gray~sama ate breakfast with small talk and Gray~sama is in the shower. Juvia went ahead and started to clean the dishes. She felt two hands on her hips and then a head in her sholder. She smiled and looked and saw Gray~sama.

"Yes Gray~sama?" Juvia sang. He chuckled a little and fully engulfed Juvia in his arms. Juvia squealed, she thought she would slip and fall. Gray~sama began to laugh and Juvia pouted and elbowed him in his stomach. He let go to hold it and Juvia made an escape.

"JUVIA!!" Juvia heard Gray~sama's battle cry and quickly began to sprint around the house. She looked back and saw him sprinting after her. Juvia screamed.

"Gray~sama!? Why are you chasing Juvia?!" Juvia yelled.

"Why are you running away?!" She heard him yell back. Juvia laughed a little on the inside.

"BECAUSE GRAY~SAMA IS SCARY!!" Juvia yelled. We reached the bedroom and Juvia felt him tackle her onto the bed. Juvia was turned over and she became face to face with Gray~sama. Juvia pouted.

"Gray~samaaaa.." He bent down to Juvia's ear.

"Your fault." After he wispered he attacked Juvia by tickling her to death. Juvia squirmed and tried to get away, but...GRAY~SAMA IS TOO STRONG AND HEAVY!!! It's almost impossible for Juvia to get away besides kicking him...there. Juvia smirked and kneed him in the croch. He tumbled over and fell to the ground groaning in pain. Juvia looked with a smile as he's holding his croch rolling around all over the place.

"That's what Gray~sama gets for tickling Juvia." Juvia said with a smug grin. Gray~sama looked up with tears in the corner of his eyes.

"T-Thats u-uncalled for! It really hurts ya know!" Gray~sama grunted out with pain. Juvia smiled a little and gave out a little chuckle. Juvia's stomach began to stir and Juvia felt like she was gonna throw up. Juvia groaned and held her stomach. Gray~sama finally got up and looked at Juvia.

"Hey! I know I didn't hurt you! Don't act like your hurt after what you just did!" He yelled at Juvia. While pointing a finger. Juvia glared at him and felt the vomit rise to her throat, she swallowed it and hunched over. Juvia's throat began to sting with a awful taste.

"J-Juvia? okay?" Gray~sama called to Juvia. Juvia looked up and tried to regain her composure.

"Y-Yea, J-Juvia should be fine now." Juvia managed a smile before the vomit rose again. Juvia covered her mouth and raced to the bathroom. She quickly opened up the toilet seat, and before it was fully up she let it out in the bowl.


Juvia ran to the bathroom before I could crouch down. Damn, she's fast. I quickly went in the bathroom to find her puking her guts out.

"Juvia?!" I ran to her and held her hair.
I began to rub her back in circles to try and help. She finally stopped and she grabbed the nearby hand towel and wiped her mouth.

"You good now?" I asked, she gave me a glare and slouched back on the wall beside me.

"No. Juvia is not good. She still has this stomach flew, and shes been puking in the morning, afternoon, evening, and Juvia even woke up in the middle of the night and puked!!" She sighed deeply and closed her eyes. I smiled a little.

"Well that's what you get for kneeing me in the croch I guess." I smirked. She hit and and yelled.

"Gray~sama!" I held my hands up in defense.

"Kidding! Im only kidding, Juvia don't you think it's time for a visit to the doctor?" I leaned back against the wall too and looked at her. She sighed deeply.

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