Deep breathes

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On my first night I ran away from home the first place I thought about going to was the train tracks. I was carrying a large book bag packed with some money and clothes. I'm a 16 year old runway. I said to myself. Good luck having a future, Victor you've messed up already. I walked along the tracks for a good hour and thought about going back home a few times but kept going on. All this walking was making me tired but I hadn't gotten a hotel room yet. Out of the group of trees right at the end of the gravel popped out. "Ey!" The figure was taller than me by a head. They had pale skin and a small frame. The also had an unknown color of hair. It was mainly an orange color with an under tone of blonde. They're eyes were large and green and they also had some nice freckles that made them look human. They had a short undercut under they're hat. "I'm Andre!" He smiled.
"Hey, I'm Victor." I looked dead ahead with a poker face.
"Sooo, why are you on Runaway Path?" He avoided eye contact and shoved his hands in his pockets, I shrugged.
"Differences..." He chuckled.
" Then who's going to pay for those nice metal braces you got?" I kinda forgot about those..
"I'll pay for them. Once I get a job and an apartment." He hummed.
"It's summer. All the kids are out of school, meaning no jobs. No job, no money, no house. Then who's gonna want to hire a homeless run away trust me." I hummed back.
"Yea I know."
'Go home.' A voiced called in the back of my head. 'live is going to suck.'
"So where are you staying?" He asked still avoiding eye contact and head down. He seems both nervous and brave at the same time.
" A tree." I said sarcastically. He laughed lightly sounding like a girl in the beginning but voice lowering as the laugh went on. Then he cleared his throat. "I remember my first nigh out on the streets. I had long hair then and a huge back bag kinda like yours." Then it hit me.
"Did you work at Starbucks?" his head shot towards me, then laughed nervously.
"Eheheh yea." Then he looked back down at the ground.
"Did you go to West Ellie High school until last year?" I spat knowing who he really was. He cleared his throat starring at his shoes.
"Mmm... yea." He did a weak smile and chuckled but the nervousness returned to his face.
"Were you always who you are?" I cocked an eyebrow. At the time I didn't know how rude I was being but I was actually really happy to meet him because he was the same as me. His voice became quite and small.
"No." He was exactly who I thought it was. I felt bad I made the poor boy crumble and tell me everything. Long story short he let me stay with him at his 'tiny house'. I thought he was kidding but no. He live in a 'Tiny house'. it looked like a small shed on wheels connected to a red truck. On the inside was a bath on one side and a sink and hot pan on the other. There was a hammock in the middle next to a bookshelf and mini fridge. there was a window behind the love seat on the far side of the shed.
"Where do we sleep?" He pointed to a latter the lead up to a small loft with one rather large bed with messy covers and pillows all over. I set my bag down and began to take off my pants and crawl in the bed. He was 'downstairs' for a little but then came back in a large shirt and some oversized pj pants. "You know you should only wear those things for 8 hours at a time."
"I could say the same for you." He said out of breath from wearing the tight piece of clothing on his chest for I'd say around 16 hours. "But it's okay. I already got 2 broken ribs and a bunch of bruises." He chuckled nervously. "And I hate having it off around other people."
"I'll take mine off, if you take your's off too!" I said quickly. I was already making him uncomfortable enough just by being here. We both reached around our backs under our shirts holding on to a zipper on the side. "Ready? 3....2....1!" There was a quick sound of unzipping then some weird adjustments before both arrivals had been throughout on to the ground below us.
"I CAN FINALLY BREATH!" He said happily then held on to the two small mounds on his chest! "Thanks for not being creeped out. I didn't think I'd ever meet a person that was the same as me!" He let there be femininity in his voice and so did I.
"Yea, this is kinda the reason I ran away! So what are you?" He looked over to me.
"Non-Bindary. Pgp, they, then or he,him. You?"
"Gender-fluid. Pgp, them,they and him,he." He chuckled.
"Who would have though being a runaway could have so many perks! Like meeting someone with a very little known gender who's sex is female but identifies as something else!" He took a deep breath. "I'm Pansexual, what are you?!" He look towards me.
"I'm a lesbian." he shrugged.
"That's chill."
And like that we both fell asleep buried under a sheet because it was too hot for a blanket yet too cold to not be covered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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