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🩵 Chloe's POV 🩵

Outside of the castle, me and my dad were sword fighting, we leap over walls and dodge each other's swords, and I was SO close to winning....if one of my (totally cute) best friends, Ryder (the son of Robin Hood) didn't shoot his arrow and distract me.

"Ryder, that's cheating", I say as my other best friends, Esme (the daughter of Esmerelda) and Taylor (the daughter of Tiana) follow him. My dad takes out a french fry and says "No, that's delicious", me and Esme roll our eyes "Don't be so serious, Chloe, we signed you up for Swords and Shields because it was supposed to be fun." Dad says as Ryder grabs his bow from a tree "He has a point."

"Well, for your information, Ryder Hood, when I'm out there I'm not just another competitor, I represent Cinderellasburg", I tell my best friend. "You sound like your mom." Esme says, resting her elbow on my shoulder, I scoff and say "Thank you.".

Third Person POV

Cinderella: Don't listen to him, your father's never cared about what other people think.

King Charming: I don't have to, I'm charming.

Cinderella: That's debatable.


🤍-King Charming






Chloe: Dad...


Chloe: Mom!

💙🎶~So this is love~🎶💙


💙🎶~So this is love~🎶💙

💙🎶~So this is what makes life divine~🎶💙

💙🎶~I'm all aglow~🎶💙


💙🎶~And now I know~🎶💙

🩶🎶~And now I know~🎶🩶

💙🩶🎶~The key to all heaven is mine~🎶🩶💙

Chloe: Well you guys can go now.

Esme: You sure?

Chloe: Yeah, I'll see you guys tomorrow.

Esme: Okay, bye Chloe! *hugs her*

Taylor: See you, Clo *hugs her*

Ryder: Stay strong, Princess C *hugs her*

After Esme, Taylor, and Ryder leave...

Chloe: Can you not?

King Charming: Y'know, this is the first song your mom and I ever danced to back when we were in school.

Cinderella: We fell in love at Castlecoming.

Chloe: Yeah, I know. You tell me every time, and I know you guys have a healthy relationship and all, but come on.

Cinderella: And it's a good thing too. Or we wouldn't have been able to create this amazing family. I know you packed last night, but you think you might have room for one more pair of shoes?

Cinderella opens a box that shows diamond shoes.

Chloe: Mom! They're just like yours! But even cooler.

Cinderella: You earned them, Chloe. You got straight A's last year.

Charming: And volunteered for the Auradon Historical Society.

Cinderella: And the thing I'm most proud of is that you're such a good person and great friend to Esme, Taylor, and Ryder. That's why you're a great princess, and why you'll make a great queen.

Chloe: These are some big shoes to fill.

Cinderella: Are you gonna try em' on or what?

Chloe *giggles*

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