ch. 3

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Trigger Warning. Physical Violence.

Camila walked around with no destination in mind. It's been two days since she ran out of food but she still had some water back in her tree. She's been sleeping up there since the outbreak, it was the safest place to avoid the zombies.

'If I were food where would I be? Duh Camila, you wouldn't know. You aren't food.' Camila thought to herself. Silently laughing at her poor attempt of a joke. But she was soon quiet when she hears laughter from behind her. She stays still, not moving an inch. 'Maybe they'll leave me alone' she thought. But she was proven wrong when she feels two strong hands on her shoulders and a force pushing her down to the concrete.

"Ugh" Camila groans. Camila looks up to see three men. "Are you infected?" Camila shakes her head and waits until the man inspected her body for any bites of scratches. "What's a sexy girl like you doing all alone." The man that had shoved Camila to the ground asks while the other two go through her bag. Camila just stays quiet but the man wasn't happy about that. He kicks her in the stomach and Camila screams.

"I asked you a question! You answer me when I'm talking to you!" The man hissed. He kicks her in the stomach multiple times when she doesn't respond. She turns, so her back is facing him and curls into a ball. He kicks her spin with a strong kick and Camila aches her back. She can't breathe and her tears are making her vision blurry. And now she can't move without everything hurting, the man had hit her very roughly.

"Hey, Matt. Just leave her alone, she has nothing on her. Just drop it." One of the men say when he stopped looking through her semi-empty bag. "Shut up, John. I'll do whatever I want with this bitch, better yet, I'm going to have some fun with her. I'll catch up with you guys later. Now leave!" Matt yells back to John.

John and the other guy shake their head but leave Camila and Matt alone. Camila was still on the floor holding her stomach and trying to regain her breathing. She felt like a heavy weight was on her chest and she couldn't breathe. Matt grabs her by her hair and pulls her towards the closest car. She shrieks feels the sharp pain in her back. He pushs her down on the backseat, ignoring her protest.

Once inside, he starts to remove her ripped jeans but grunts when Camila tries to stop him. Matt punches her in the face before taking a pocket knife out. "Don't move slut or you'll regret it!" He hissed, turning her over so she was laying face down on the back seat. Camila cries silently, wishing this was a horrible dream. She tries to get out of his grip again but only screams when she feels a sharp pains on her back. Followed by her left thigh. Matt had stabbed her in the same spot that he had kicked her.

"I told you to stay still! Now you'll be paying the consequences." Matt spats keeping the knife on her bloody thigh. He flips her over, so she's face him once more. "Don't worry sweet heart. This will only hurt a lot." Matt replies as he removes his boxers. Camila just shuts her eyes tightly as she feels him enter her.


Camila wakes up with a start. She's been having the same nightmare since it actually happened. She then looks at her four band members, who are still fast asleep. Since the four girls had very little sleep for the past months, it was no surprise that they were out cold. Camila only thanks God, that she didn't wake them up. She turn to face Lauren who is sleeping so peacefully. 'God I forgot how beautiful she is when she is sleeping' Camila thought to herself. She reaches out and touches the dark haired girls cheek before placing a small kiss on her lips. It melts her heart when she watches Lauren's face turn to a small smile. 'If only she knew it was me that kissed her. She wouldn't have smiled like that.' Camila sighs softly.

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