Fuckboi Central

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It all started when I accidentally texted the wrong number. So there is this guy that I go to school with and he's really attractive, like seriously hot (he looks similar to Calum Hood) but he has a.... Let's just say not so good personality.
One day I was joking around with my main (sorry you guys it's not Lauren it's another hoe) and she was like what if you prank texted this guy and I joked around and typed out a funny text...well long story short the text accidentally got sent and he thought I flirted with him. He then told me he would willingly have sex with me, etc. Then he told me to snapchat him, so being the stupid bitch I am, I snapchatted him.

He then proceeded to ask "nudes for nudes ;)" I being the body respecting person I am refused his offer. Even though I said no he kept asking until finally it was super late and he went to sleep.

I decided to tell my friend (whom I will give the name Leslie even though that's not her name) told me he had asked her for pictures also and had sent her some without asking if she was okay with it. I figured he probably wouldn't ask or send any to me because I'm not as pretty as Leslie.

The next night around 1 or 2 a.m I get a snapchat from this guy and I know it's not going to be good because he never sends actual pictures, he prefers texting, so I take a deep breath and open it and *BAM* it's his dick.

I mentally face-Palm and I decide not to answer. Then the next day he send me a text over snapchat that says, "did you get my picture? ;)" and obviously because I'm a dumb bitch I reply.
"Yes I got it."
"Did you like it ;)"
Because I am a nice person I wasn't going to say no and plus his dick wasn't that bad... But I didn't want to say yes because that would boost his ego and all that, so I say "idk" and then he said "well since I sent you a pic you have to send one back"
And I say "nope"
This cycle continues happening till he gives up on trying to get pics from me.

Well I soon get told by my friend Leslie that he has continued talking to her and is suggesting to do stuff with her on July 4th. (They both have lake houses in the same neighborhood thingy and both of their families are going on the fourth. Leslie asks me what she should do because she's not very smart with this kind of stuff. I give her the best advice I can and she soon leaves for the lake.

Then a day after she comes back she invites me over to her house to spend the night. So then as I'm sitting on her couch with her innocently watching (and enjoying) "The Little Mermaid" when all of the sudden she decides to burn my innocent ears and say:

"_____ fingered me at the lake".
Me being in absolute shock chokes on my delicious popcorn.
"Sorry Alexis....?"
"Well when you say it like that it sounds worse then it is."

Basically after we have an intense conversation about how and when and how it happened I learn that:

a.) ____ is terrible at fingering but she liked it any
b.) he isn't the "relationship" type
c.) he's obviously a fückboi but my friend doesn't realize it
d.) my friend is a slut but I still love her
e.) I'm going to be forever alone

I tell my friend that she shouldn't continue doing this with him unless he wants to be in a relationship. Basically she says that she is going to take my advice and tell him that this up-coming weekend when they both happen to be at the lake again.

That's all of the story for now but I will keep you all updated if anybody liked this :)

xx Alexis xx

(P.S. I didn't realize how long this was till I finished)

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