wake up in his arms ..

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  Author's Pov..

Yn : Are you real

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Yn : Are you real ..or I am imagining things again .. ( blinking eyes)

Jungkook: No baby I am real .. we are in my bedroom .. ( he caresses her cheeks)

Yn: ooh what I am doing here .. did I did something unholy withyou ...cause I can't trust myself ..( she mumbles last word )

Jungkook: you just drank little and we ended up here .. but no worry you are okay and we didn't did anything...

Yn: That' so sad ( she made cute pout )

Jungkook: what ??

Yn : nothing ...

Jungkook : if you are done questioning then  go fresh-n-up

Yn: what about you ?? You also need fresh-n-up., you go first then I will go ..and to be honest I want to sleep little more ..( 👉👈 she made this gesture with cute smile and looking at him )

Jungkook: okay then sleep for a while..

He goes towards the washroom and she again lay down on the bed..

Hour later ....

He came out from the bathroom..and she is still lying on the bed .but when he opens the door of bathroom she opens her eyes and the 🙈 seen she saw was amazing or you can say hot as hell ..

(Author:  I can't say🥵 how he looks just look by yourself and ask your self 😁 )

(Author:  I can't say🥵 how he looks just look by yourself and ask your self 😁 )

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The view she got.. lucky her ...

Yn : fuck .. ( the very first word come. Out from her mouth ,after getting the look ..)

Jungkook: (he raised eyebrows) Did you just said something..??

Yn: n--o no ( she turns around ...)
(Her whole face has become red ...)

Jungkook chuckled and said : didn't you enjoy what you saw?? Hmm !

Yn = what the fuck are you saying why would I enjoy this type of things .. and don't flatter yourself too much ( she was stammering while saying this )

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23 ⏰

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