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I was down in the kitchen getting some water and ddot came downstairs dressed in all black, black beenie, black shirt, black sweats, and black shoes and black socks trying to walk out the door

"Ddot where are you going? And why you dressed like that"

"Oh, ma I gotta- I gotta go do something"

"Ddot you better not be putting yourself in some shit seriously, I mean shit it's 2 am what do you have to do at this hour?"

"Look Ian wanna tell you, this nigga talking hot speakin on Notti juys know ima handle it ma, I love you" he said before walking out and locking the door"

"Wait- shit.."

So I sit in my bed worried, more than sure he was finna harm some one

So 30 something minutes later he comes home and changed his clothes

"Ddot come here"

"Wassup" he said to me with his shirt off
"I'm worried about you did you.. did you kill somebody ?"

"No? Just had to show em somethin"he said putting a new shirt on

"Ima trust you"

So the next morning I'm feeling better ddot is acting Normal and I'm cooking and u hear a knock at the door

"Jehovah witness" I heard a Manley voice
I looked out the peep hole and seen three dudes and got ready to open the door

"Aye don't open that" he whispered as he grabbed my wrist

"What?" I said

"Shhh" he shushed me

"Ddot what's happening"
I said as he looked out

"Uh nun just don't open that" he whispered until they left

"Ddot who was that"

"That was a set up"

"So that wasn't church ppl?"

"Man hell no you seen them?"

"Omg ddot" I said getting back to my food

So we eat our food and chill for a few hours until it's time for me to walk to the deli rq and get a few snacks

"Ok ddot ima be back I love you"

"Ight mama safety"

I grabbed my wallet and my purse and started walking down the street it's peaceful nothing too crazy just the regular streets of nyc

"Ay ma" I heard from a black car

"I gotta nigga" I continued to walk

"It's that ddot nigga"


"YE WE ONNAT" they all hopped out the car and chased me

They chased me for a while

"Oh she fast boom her OYK NIGGA" they said before I heard shots and I fell to the ground

"SHITT" I looked to see they shot me in my chest and my shoulder

I shot up out my sleep grabbing my chest breathing mad hard

"Damn what's wrong mama?"

"Ddot" I grabbed on his shoulders

"Chill what happened calm down"

"So I had a dream and you had left out at like 2 am and came back then the next morning your opps came to to the door acting like they was church ppl and you told me not to answer it so a little later I went to the deli and they found me and started chasing me and they shot at me"

"what the Fuckk?"

"Yea and when they shot me it's like i could really feel it in my chest but it didn't hurt i just felt something"

"It's ok ma I wouldn't put you in no danger like that"

"They say dreams have meanings"
I side eyed him

"Yea not ALL dreams ma"

"I'm just glad it was a dream bc man"


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