The Gift

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"Phew...finally done~" Evan wiped a bit of sweat from his brow as he stepped down from his step ladder. The white lab-coated young man backed away a few feet in order to get a better good look at his newly constructed creation.

It was a large, metallic, tubular chamber larger than a commercial jumbo jet.

"I can't believe it... it's finally done..." The exhausted engineer muttered with a proud smile.

Evan was a brilliant 23 year old prodigy, who despite his young age was renowned for his incredible groundbreaking inventions.

The recent MIT graduate had been spending nearly all his time working tirelessly in his lab, developing technologies that the rest of the world had yet to even conceptualize.

"This is gonna be the birthday gift to end ALL birthday gifts~" Evan muttered to himself as he walked around the large tubular structure.

Though constantly busy with his own research, Evan sometimes put aside a little of his time to create things for his younger brother Thomas.

Despite their seven-year age difference and vastly different personalities, the two siblings were surprisingly close.

Thomas was currently a sophomore in highschool and had a reputation for being a bit immature. He mostly spent his time hanging out with his friends and getting into all sorts of teenage mischief. Evan on the other hand was more of an intellectual shut-in.

Even though he wasn't a gifted genius like his older brother, Thomas nevertheless found Evan's work fascinating. Growing up as a kid, he'd make all sorts of wacky outlandish requests for his big bro to invent for him -- Things like Anti-gravity boots, portal guns, mind-reading glasses, ect.

Evan would always find himself having to explain time and time again that not EVERYTHING in science fiction movies were actually plausible in real life.

Regardless of this, Thomas always got at least some sort of invention on his birthday.

With Thomas now in highschool, Evan was beginning to notice that their bond was starting to weaken. The teen no longer seemed to visit Evan's lab as often as he once used to, as he was now more preoccupied with his own budding social life.

Evan had never really put much effort into making friends of his own. Admittedly, his little brother was one of the only actual friends he had. He knew that if he was going to create something for Thomas's upcoming birthday, it would have to be particularly special....

And now, it was ready~


[six months earlier]

Evan was sitting at his workbench, pondering the various things Evan had requested over the course of the past year. Most of the requests were fairly typical of the juvenile teen:

A device that would allow him cheat on tests, a serum that would give him an athletic edge in sports, ect.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2021 ⏰

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