Aw Harry misses Louis

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SO i've had this in my notebook for a long time and i finally wrote it and made it worth taking a glance at, so enjoy! And please send me feedbackkk :)


Harry couldn’t help but feel quite lonely. Louis, his roommate, who he may or may not have a huge crush on, is out with his girlfriend Eleanor on holiday and left him alone in their flat. The thing was, Harry hated Eleanor. He’s hated her since the second Louis announced she was his girlfriend and back even before that. He knew that Louis was happy with her, but he couldn’t help but think the boy could do so much better than her. He could practically have anyone he wanted, someone who actually cared for him and wanted the best for him, instead of just wanting him because he has money and can take them anywhere. And Harry couldn’t help but think that someone could be him. 

He could take care of him and he knew he would be good for him. And he desperately wanted Louis to know that, so today when he came home from holiday he was finally going to tell him how he feels.

He was sitting on the couch, watching pointless TV, settling with whatever stupid program comes on when he hears someone unlock the door and slip inside quietly. He knew it was Louis because he was supposed to be coming home today, so without a second thought, Harry was on his feet and running as fast as they can take him. Not moments later, his body collided with another and he immediately melted into the embrace, the scent of Louis wafting through his nose. He missed having him so close at all times, he just needed him, so he wrapped him arms tight around his waist and didn’t show any signs of letting go.

“Missed me much, Haz?” he says with a chuckle and god if he could listen to his tape on replay for the rest of his life. 

“So much Boobear,” he mumbled into Louis’ collarbone. He had no idea how much he missed him. He felt almost pathetic, like he couldn’t live without him or something.

“Well, I’m here now,” he says, pulling back to hold him at arms length. Harry’s eyes were already threatening to tear, glistening in the light. “Haz, what’s wrong?” He didn’t even realise he was crying, why would he be crying? Suck it up Harry, don’t look like such a baby in front of him.

“I just missed you… a lot.”

Louis smiled just a bit wider and said, “Aww don’t cry, honey. I’m not leaving again.” He pulled Harry back in the hug, and the next thing that happened… Louis wasn’t quite sure how to react. It was a small gesture, just a small touch, but it seemed so intimate, especially in this type of situation. It seemed more than the usual banter and Louis couldn’t help but feel the tingles run up his spine.

Harry pressed his lips onto Louis’ neck, letting them linger for a second before moving them to another area and repeating. Louis’ lost his breath for a minute and could barely move, not that he’d want to.

“H-Haz?” he asked shakily. Harry only responded by nipping at the skin to which the shorter boy let out a whimper and subconsciously titled his head to the side to allow him more access. Taking this as an approval, Harry continued to suck on the spot under Louis’ earlobe, leaving a small little love bite.

Inside, Harry was practically screaming. He didn’t know where he got all this confidence. On any other day, he would’ve froze and immediately let go and probably run up to his room. He could feel himself shaking but he was so determined to get the words out, he willed himself to stay in place.

His inners took it even further though, trailing small presses of his lips up Louis’ neck towards his jaw. And when he reached the hard bone, he bit into the skin, creating another love bite. This time, Louis didn’t even try to hold it in. He let out a small moan, his nails digging into Harry’s back, eyes rolling to the back of his head. He was in complete bliss.

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