Chapter 1

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Cosima's POV

I had a free period today so I went to the library to study I was on my phone to Sarah as I was walking around the library, we were just catching up and I was asking her how Kira was as she had just been to see her last night.

Once Sarah hung up the phone, I shoved the small pink phone into my handbag and I looked around for a seat, the only free seat was next to a beautiful blonde who was asleep on top of her textbook.

I slowly walked towards the empty seat, "excuse me, can I seat here" I asked the blonde trying to wake her without talking too loud, she jerked up and looked over to me, "w-what did you say" she asked me blushing, "I said can I sit here" I asked smiling, "oh yeah of course" she whispered giggling softly.

I sat down in the chair besides her and pulled my textbook out of my bag dumping it on the table, I looked over to the blonde, "so what was so interesting that made you fall asleep" I whispered giggling quietly, "psychology text books" she said rolling her eyes, "sounds fun, so I'm guessing your studying psychology" I replied still whispering as everyone was studying, "yeah basically, I wanna be a child psychologist" she said smiling to me, "that's awesome" I replied smiling, in "so any way what do you study?" She said turning fully to face me and sitting cross legged on her chair, "Evo devo" I replied doing the same as her but not crossing my legs, "oh ... evolutionary development" the blonde replied as she worked out what I meant.

We both went back to reading our textbooks when I remembered I never got the blondes name, I turned my head back to her, "one thing, I never got your name" I whispered to her, "oh yeah I'm such an idiot, it's Stella, and yours" she replied and asked me, "Cosima but everyone just calls me cos" I replied smiling at the blonde, "that's such a beautiful name" the blonde replied innocently but sincere, "thanks but sometimes it sucks because no one remembers how to say or spell it" I sighed, "well I promise I will remember it because it is so beautiful" Stella said and she gave me a one armed hugged.

Stella's POV

I checked the time on my phone and I had class now, so I picked up my textbook, before I left I turned to Cosima and handed her a piece of paper "my number" I whispered to Cosima before leaving the library.

I then headed to class and slumped into my chair, and I opened my laptop up and I was occasionally typing things down.

My phone buzzed besides me, I picked it up and checked it behind my laptop screen, I had a text from an unknown number, I opened it up 'hey it's Cosima, from the libary' I smiled at the fact she thought she had to remind me, 'haha hi cos, I remember you, how could I forget your beautiful face xxx' I giggled to myself, I saved cos' name in my phone as 'Cosima (impossibly beautiful) 💕' I then locked my phone and went back to listening to the lecture.

Cosima's POV

I was lay on my bed just on my laptop when my phone flashed and I looked over and 'Stella (gorgeous girl) 💜' I smiled and I picked up my phone, I laughed at her message.

I then typed 'haha okay Stella, how's psychology xxx' I hit send already predicting what her answer would be, a few seconds later my phone buzzed again and I just laughed to myself, her message read 'what do you think Sherlock, since I was asleep on my psychology textbook when you met me you could probably guess I'm bored to death xxx' i smiled at her, 'haha okay well have fun while I spend my time relaxing and sleeping xxx' I sent smirking too myself, 'ugh just rub it in some more and have to go my professor is getting suspicious, love you cos xxx' I smiled at my phone softly, 'okay bye have fun, love you Stella xxx' I hit send then lay back on my bed for a while.

Until I got a Skype request from Sarah so I went over to my laptop and accepted her request and we just update each other on all our clone club research.


I'm sorry this is such a short chapter but it is just an introduction I will try to make the next one longer, but thanks for reading xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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