Within Darkness - Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven: She was curious not dumb

Mary had decided that her original plan of ignoring all but the new and fascinating things around her was logical and possibly the only way to remain sane. She walked down the hallway, fingers trailing absently along the wall. When she passed the windows, the dying sun turned her skin a burnished gold colour. The paintings and photographs that ordained the wall was like nothing she had ever seen before. They were of scenes that could have come straight from a fantasy movie, or a horror; some were of wolves, galloping at full speed in the moonlight, others of apparently famous vampires, and some were of witches performing complex spells sky clad. Her eyes had widened at that one. And they all created by some supernatural creature. The caption underneath had the name of the piece, the name of the creator and then the creators species. She smirked; never again will she amazed at normal galleries.

Her head was filled with images of the places she had seen today: the library, she’d thought Dmitri had a lot of books; the kitchens, shudder; the entertainment room, where she’d tried to use the internet to go on Hotmail but nada, which of course was very surprising; and the training gym, that had been a revelation! She had watched the Beta team, two wolves, fighting the Theta team, a wolf and a vampire pair. She had also gotten a distinct sea sick feeling when she realised that all those blurring fast moves and impossible gymnastics that the Guardians were performing, Alexander could do too. But Mary was deliberately not thinking about him or what they expected her to do, nope, not thinking about it.

Henrietta Marie was currently unconscious but had she been awake, and someone had asked her whether her eldest daughter was curious, she would have replied enthusiastically “Yes!” She may have even recounted tales of Mary as a small child that refused to stay still and who was the sole person responsible for at least 75% of Henrietta Marie’s grey hairs.

Mary spotted another interesting looking door; it had on it ‘Observation Room’. She paused outside then shrugged, Kassandra said she could go anywhere except other people’s rooms as they may be upset enough to forget Dmitri’s announcement that Mary was not to be harmed. And wasn’t it cheering that Dmitri had had to make such an announcement in the first place. She knocked first but when there was no answer she cautiously opened the door; she was curious not dumb.

The room was dark; she had to stand still for a moment to let her eyes adjust. Slowly, she began to understand the vague shapes around her enough to figure out the location of the light switch. Blinking in the sudden light, she closed the door. Mary turned and blinked again, this time from the view in the window. It was definitely not something for the innocent or underage. A loud gasp had her cringing, imaging the furious actions of those who had had their… get together… disturbed. However, none of three responded. Mary thought; there was no way a vampire and two wolves wouldn’t have heard her normally. She began to, quietly, look for an answer. That answer came in the form of a manual for the observation room. Apparently, for anonymity, those in the observation room would not know who was watching them. That means that the room was sound proof, smell proof and magic proof. The only way to know what was going on in that room was to be in the observation room.

Ten very awkward minutes later, the room was empty again. Mary quickly rose and walked towards the door. However, before she reached it, another trio entered to room. Eyes wide, Mary hoped to God that Kassandra, Raphael and Dmitri was not there for the same reason as the trio beforehand had. Luckily they simply took seats in the centre of the room. Mary let her curiosity overtake her manners and clicked the switch that would allow her to listen to what was being said inside the room. Raphael spoke first, confusion apparent,

“Dmitri what was so important and secret? I mean, I know you like your privacy but is the Veiled Room really necessary?”

“I wish to talk about Mary.” And this Mary threw all her morals away and sat down to watch.

“Mary? Dmitri, I know she is having difficulty with mastering control of the elements but my vision-”

“I trust your Sight, Kassandra. She will face my brother. However, I wished to discuss after.” Kassandra’s face grew serious but Raphael frowned,

“What is there to discuss? Mary has made it very clear that she wants to leave as soon as the Alex problem is sorted.” Dmitri spoke quietly,

“She will not be leaving.” Silence.

“You want to keep her here… against her will.”

“Think, Kassandra. Mary goes up against Alexander and lives. She cannot control the elements but obviously her individual gift is unique and very powerful. Moreover, I have researched her; she is destined for one of the top universities in England, and shows great bravery and ingenuity in the face of danger. She is too valuable to be allowed to leave.” Raphael laughed, until he realised that Dmitri. Didn’t. Joke.

“Don’t be ridiculous. You can’t kidnap her. Her family will go to the authorities and our agreement with them does not cover the media storm that the Smiths will raise.”

“The Smiths will not be leaving, either.”

“… There is no guarantee that the brother will show the some magical ability and it is obvious that it has skipped the mother; the House laws forbid an extended stay for humans.”

“Neither of them will be on an extended stay.” Raphael and Kassandra grasped the meaning behind Dmitri’s word the same as Mary did. Mary’s hands flew to her mouth as a look of horror spread across her face.

“You’re going to kill them.” Kassandra said softly.

“It is necessary.” Dmitri replied, eyes showing neither regret nor unhappiness with that fact. The other two did not protest.

Mary stood shock still. The trio (evil, conniving sons of bitches) had left a while ago, Mary wasn’t sure how long exactly; it wasn’t important. She wondered out the room and through the corridors. She looked neither left nor right as all her attention bent inward. She came to Dmitri’s office. I suppose, I should give them a chance to explain. This generous thought was the complete opposite of Mary’s plans for them if, as in all likelihood it seemed to be, it was true.

Mary’s knock went unanswered and so she entered anyway. She paused inside and then went to the desk. Locked. Her head tilted suddenly as curiosity overtook her again; she stepped up the desk. There were several maps on it. A glance at the corner showed that they were of the Noatak Preserve and Wilderness. She noted that there were red circles around different forts and castles, most had crossed through them but one was circled twice.

He knows where Alexander is. Mary thought for a moment, then her faced firmed. She spoke strongly as she folded and put that map in her pocket.

“And, now, so do I.”

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