Who are you?

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There he was again, waiting for the right moment. Sitting in the chair with his back slumped a bit, thinking about how nerve wrecking earlier was, thinking about the man of his dreams and how they would be OKAY afterwards, but it really wasn't that easy.

After a few seconds Medic walked out of his office with a deep sorrow frown on his face. This frown confused the poor Spy, but he waited to hear what Medic had to say. The whole time he had to wait, his heart was pounding him his chest. His worry for the Sniper was as if mind-controlling, he couldn't think about anything else if he tried. He thought deeply about the Sniper's almost proposal, that moment was supposed to be special but it was ruined in the worst way possible.

"Vhe Sniper-" Medic opened his mouth but was interrupted when a women with a purple dress and her black silk hair walked into the room. She pushed her glasses up, examining the two men for a good bit. Her stare was hard and cold, it was one the man had never ever experienced before.

"How his he?" Pauling said sharply, her voice was more snappy then ever. This was odd coming from this women because most times she was intelligently speaking, or she seemed like she was content. 'This day was just a different day' Spy thought to himself, as the Medic turned to the much shorter women and he sighed deeply, as he rubbed his temple.

"Vell, He doesn't vemember a thing. I have tried to help him to vemember but it's so pointless. It's as if the Sniper is brain dead..." The Medic said lowly, he felt like a failure because he couldn't help the Sniper regain his memory. He tried everything to his best ability but nothing worked.

Spy's heart nearly sunk to the bottom of his chest, he couldn't believe it. 'Couldn't remember a thing' It echoed through his head repeatedly. He thought this was the end of his long time relationship with Sniper. It really hurt. This was the first time Spy ever really felt emotionally hurt. His head was pounding in pain, and his chest was throbbing in emptiness. He didn't know what the hell he was going to even do without the Sniper. God it just hurt so much, he was about to say something but Pauling turned to him and glared.

"Spy, can I talk to you out in the Hallway?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow. It was pretty obvious that Pauling has suspicions about this whole thing. Spy planned to tell it how, it was but it's wasn't going to happen the way Spy wanted it too. It was going to be much worst.

Spy just gave the assistant a simply nod, She followed right behind him as they when into the hallway. The lights were darkened a bit, making the halls really dim. No one else was in the hallways, it was just the two of them.

"So how did this happen?" Pauling asked with her arms crossed, She was heavy observing the Spy. This gave Spy the feeling that Pauling didn't trust him anymore. That's exactly what it was, Pauling was losing all her trust with the Spy for some reason. She felt like Spy might have planned something like this to happen because he was such a slippery snake. Pauling knew that Spy would do anything and everything on people that did him bad in the past.

"Well, Pauling...." He looked at her with his sorrow grey eyes before he spoke again but he spoke quietly. "Vhe Sniper and I were on a date... And somevhing happened.... I tried stop him..." He looked at her, as she looked at him in digested. Everyone knew that dating your co-worker was against the work policy and to have Sniper and Spy break it like it was nothing.

Pauling was enraged, she needed to take some kind of action on this situation, 'But what?' She thought to herself. It was irritating that nothing was coming to mind. She was the kind of person that knew what they wanted, when they wanted it but at this given moment she couldn't think at all. In the thick of time, something came to mind. The Ultimate punishment for breaking the rules, that have been strictly placed.

"Spy, I have made the choice that Sniper will be re-positioned. Once the Sniper wakes up, he'll be working for the BLU team. And if STILL try to see him-

Well damn, you must really love him" She said boldly to the Spy.

Spy's heart sunk like an anchor, 'How can she do this like nothing' Spy thought to himself. All those memories that Sniper and Spy had together would soon turn to ash, none of that would even matter anymore. Spy wasn't going to let this happen, he wasn't going to let Pauling win so easily. At the time, he didn't say a word to her. He couldn't, in fear that he would be fired. He just gave her a slight nod.

"Now, I will allow you to say your goodbye to him. Since you and him were a thing, but I don't think he'll remember that" Pauling remarked, her words sounded so dark and evil to the Spy. His hate for this women started to flow his veins, she was tearing his heart into pieces even though she had no right too.

Spy was at least going to take the chance to say goodbye to the man he loved ever so dearly, so he walked into the much lighter room again. He looked at the empty seats before he walked into the examination room. Sniper was sitting up on the table, he looked confused and sorta afraid.

Spy walked over to his side and just looked at him, he remembered how he fell in love with Sniper's beautiful eyes, He remembered how he fell in love with his bravery, He remembered how Sniper was his everything, He remembered how he would do anything and everything to keep the Sniper with him, but he failed this time and it really hurt.

The Sniper looked around the room as Spy spoke to him softly, Spy didn't want to say too much because he knew that at any given time he would break into tears. He didn't want the Sniper to switch teams, nor did he ever want it to be this way. " *Sniper, je t'aimerai toujours, merci de ne pas vous perdre dans ce gâchis. Un jour, nous serons ensemble. Je ferais n'importe quoi pour vous..."

His words echoed the room, as he gave Pauling a glare and left the room. Sniper was stunned, he didn't know what these words meant at time time but he was going to find out what they meant. And that voice seemed so familiar, but he couldn't put a name on it. 'Who are you?'


Translation; Sniper, I'll always love you, Please don't lose yourself in this mess. One day we will be together. I'd do anything for you...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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