ABC's °^°

375 32 7

I was nominated to do this by SilentlyCursed, so this wasn't my idea XD, here we go! ^~^

Avalible: Yep (but I don't care about it)

Biggest Fear: getting murdered

Cake?: GIMMIE!  °~°

Drink I last had: water

Easiest person I can talk to: internet people

Favorite food: sweets! ^0^

Grossest memory: when I ate to many animal crackers and I threw up... on the couch XD

Hometown: Rock Island, Illinois

I can't: do a cartwheel T^T

Jealous of: people who draw better than me T^T

Killed anyone?: Nope.... °^°
Loves: Food and anime ^~^

Middle name: Danae (I think that's how you spell it XD)

Number of siblings: two T^T

One wish: to turn invisible when I want so I can go into stores and get snacks ^0^

People I hate: annoying people that won't leave me alone

Question that I ask a lot: what are you doing with your life?

Reasons that I smile: my friends, memes, when you find out your stuffed horse is a unicorn, you just cut off the horn when you were little. (This has happened to me)

Song I last listened to: One Piece theme song XD

Things I like: Cats, fanfiction, sleeping

Very special moment: .... no idea XD

Worst habit:.biting my nails

(THERE'S NO X ^0^... so I put a picture of me and my friend up (I'm the one on the left)

Your favorite youtuber: pewdiepie!

Zodiac sign: Aries (the Ram)

P.S. I have glasses but I don't like to wear them T^T I'M going to get contacts though my mom said this year.... also I nominate natsu-san-senpai for this ^-^

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