Prologue: The Whisper in The Shadows

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In a shadowy corner of the castle, the King of Alicaster sat upon his throne, his formidable presence casting a menacing silhouette against the richly adorned tapestries. The grand chamber, draped in opulence and symbols of power, seemed to vibrate with the weight of his dark intentions. He waited, his piercing gaze cutting through the dimness, for news from his most trusted agents—Lord Ki Woods and Lady Ailani Woods. Loyal servants who understood the full extent of his ruthless nature and, despite it, revered him.

The King had exiled the weak to Emerald Island, a punishment disguised as a criminal sanctuary. Publicly, it was portrayed as justice, but in reality, it was a testament to his disdain for weakness. Overseen by the Woods, the island was a place where the helpless suffered, their plight concealed by the King's elaborate deceptions.

A sharp knock on the door jolted him from his thoughts. "Come in," he commanded, his voice a deep rumble that echoed through the chamber.

The Woods entered, bowing deeply in a display of respect and trepidation. They took their seats, their slight tremors betraying their unease under the King's menacing gaze. He savored their discomfort, enjoying the way his subjects recoiled under his scrutiny.

"What news do you have for me?" he asked, his expression stoic and unyielding.

"Your Majesty," Lord Ki began, his voice trembling with eager anticipation, "we apprehended a member of the rebellion and subjected him to interrogation. Though the boy was less loyal than expected, with a bit of pain, he revealed crucial information."

The King's patience wore thin, and his irritation was palpable. "Get to the point," he demanded, his dark red eyes narrowing dangerously.

"Of course, Your Grace," Ki said quickly, trying to regain his composure. "He mentioned something about the Ocean, but most importantly, he revealed their plan to kidnap the princess. It appears they have the assistance of someone within your own household."

A flicker of delight and mischief sparked in the King's eyes as he contemplated the news. A plan began to form in his mind—one that could address two troublesome issues simultaneously. But first, he needed to maintain his façade of a concerned father, a role he had perfected over the years.

"We must place the princess under strict lock down and ensure no one is allowed near her," he declared, his tone authoritative.

"Very wise decision, Your Majesty," Ki said, his voice trembling under the weight of the King's power. "But may I propose a strategy that could help us eradicate the rebellion once and for all, and avenge our late Queen?"

The King's interest was piqued. "What is your suggestion?" he asked, hoping it would align with his own plans.

"We know their plan, but we're no closer to capturing them. What if we set up a spy? We could disguise someone as the princess and have them abducted instead," Lord Ki proposed, his voice faltering with the fear of displeasing his sovereign.

The King stroked his long beard thoughtfully, considering the suggestion. "They are likely to see through such a ruse, especially if one of our own is aiding them," he mused, his expression contemplative. "What about the boy you interrogated? I'm sure I could get more out of him."

Lady Ailani quickly added, "He was almost ready to divulge more when dark magic was used to kill him."

The King's gaze turned cold and calculating. "A fitting end for a traitor," he said with a sneer.

"If I may make a suggestion, Your Highness, I have heard your daughter is quite skilled in combat and has been training with her instructors. No doubt she inherited her strength and intelligence from you, even with her unfortunate disability," Lord Ki said hesitantly, wary of the King's reaction. They all knew about the Princess's ailment, which rendered

her as essentially human, devoid of the powers and shifter form that her parents possessed.

"Get to the point, Ki," the King said threateningly, though he was intrigued by what was to come.

"Why not use her? It would be a way to test her skills with all due respect," Ki said, gulping nervously. His eyes shone with excitement as his plan took shape, though his face remained a mask of anger.

"Her safety is my priority. We need a way for her to relay information directly to us and alert us if she's in trouble. Also, how do we locate her? Any suggestions?" he said smoothly, his deception apparent.

"What about a magical tracker tattoo? We could present it as a birthday gift. They would never suspect it," Lady Ailani suggested, her idea meeting the King's approval.

"That could work. Now, what about the communication problem?" he asked sternly.

"Since they are likely to search her, our standard walkie-talkies won't do," Lord Ki said


"Yes, we need something small and innocuous so that it won't be discovered," the King said.

"What about jewelry? A necklace might be removed, but earrings are less noticeable," Ailani proposed, her fingers running through her dark brown hair. Her eyes lit up as she had an idea. "Earrings are discreet, especially if they're small. They're unlikely to suspect them."

The King gave her a look that quickly extinguished her excitement. "Unless you know someone who can make them, it's of no use," he said dryly.

"I do, Your Highness. He's a skilled jeweler and doesn't ask many questions," Ki responded, relieved.

"When can it be done?" the King asked, his voice laced with authority.

"By evening, Your Majesty," Ki answered, grateful for his wife's now secured safety.

"Good. As for the extraction, once we know her location, we shall send an army to eliminate the rebels and ensure her safety," he said with a smirk, pleased with how his plan was coming together.

"A foolproof plan, Your Highness. But we need to lure them out, make them believe it will be easy," Ki said.

The King looked at them coldly before saying, "I was planning a usual party for her, but

we'll have a ball in her honor for her eighteenth birthday to draw their attention and make them think capturing her will be effortless. The truth of her role as a spy will remain known only to you two, the princess, and myself. Remember, if anything goes wrong, you two will be held responsible."

As the Woods nodded in agreement, the King turned his gaze to the stained glass windows that adorned the chamber. Each pane told Alicaster's origin story:

One window depicted a supernatural hand clasping a human hand, symbolizing the uneasy alliance forged between the two races. Another showed a human hunter relentlessly pursuing a werewolf, a stark reminder of the persecution that once prevailed. A third window illustrated a vampire draining a human, a haunting image of the dangers that lurked in the shadows.

Another window portrayed a demi-goddess, standing between two demons—one representing himself and the other his late twin brother. This scene symbolized the powerful collaboration that led to the creation of Alicaster. The trio's unity was immortalized in glass, despite the hidden truths that lay behind their alliance. The demi-

goddess was non-other then the former Queen Casey who the public was led to believe that had fallen to the rebellion, but the King kept the true history closely guarded in his heart, a secret known only to him.

Finally, a grand window showed the world of Alicaster—its serene landscapes and towering citadels—a vision of the sanctuary they had created together, a refuge from the chaos of their previous lives.

Princess Evangeline was about to be thrust into a dangerous game of deception. Her role as a spy would be concealed from the public eye. The grand ball would serve as a trap to lure the rebellion, while the King's true intentions remained shrouded in secrecy.

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