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"Uh, thanks for showing me around

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"Uh, thanks for showing me around." Estelle said her goodbyes to Lonnie as she approached the boys' dorm room. "Yeah, no problem." Lonnie walked away, hiding behind the wall until the girl entered the dorm room. Estelle rolled her eyes as she saw Carlos and Jay asleep as they waited for the 3D printer to finish. "Hey, bozos." Estelle woke the boys up by throwing pillows at them as the wand finished. "What?" Carlos mumbled as Jay shot up, his eyes going to the wand. "The wand, Carlos." Estelle reminded him, causing him to wake up and stare at the replica in awe. Carlos was then the one to open the casing and pull out the finished product. "Not bad." Jay commented as the three stared at the object. "Yeah." Carlos let out in awe.

"Now, let's go!" Elle urged the two forward, reminding them of the time limit. "Hey, guys! What about me?" Dude yelled from the bed, wanting to join them on their adventure. "No, dude, you stay! I'm serious, stay!" Carlos warned, causing the dog great sadness. "Talking dogs." Estelle confirmed to herself, still confused by how the situation came to be. 

The three teenagers walked out of the dorm building again, this time running into someone else. "Oh, hey, have you seen Evie?" a guy in a blue suit and glasses questioned the three as Jay quickly shoved Estelle and the wand behind him. "Uh.." the two boys looked at each other, trying to find another excuse. "She went camping." Carlos decided that any excuse was better than none. "Evie, 'I want to live in a castle', sleeping on the ground with no place to plug in a hair dryer?" the guy questioned. Estelle was impressed by whoever the person in front of her was, was this the guy Evie had mentioned awhile back? "You know how spontaneous she is, bro." Carlos tried to cover it up as Jay laughed off the question. "Later, Doug." Carlos dismissed himself and Jay, the two quickly turning and pushing Estelle forward. This time Lonnie Shang stood in front of the three with her arms crossed and swords on her back,

"I'm coming with you guys." Lonnie declared as she bit her lip. "What?" Jay and Carlos laughed. "We don't need swords at the...Waffle Hut." Jay tried to cover up where they were going, but Lonnie wasn't having it. "You're going to the Isle to rescue Ben." Lonnie uncrossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at Jay. "Look, it's either you take me or I'm going to have to tell Fairy Godmother." Lonnie gave an ultimatum that left both boys stunned. "I don't know who Fairy Godmother is, but I vote we just take her." Estelle shrugged; they were running out of time. Both boys looked defeated and agreed to bring the girl along. "Really? Okay!" Lonnie squealed as she bounced next to the three, making their way to the limo.

"I'll get the swords." Jay informed Lonnie as the four teenagers exited the car. "Lonnie!" Mal greeted the princess in surprise. "I made them bring me." Lonnie hugged Mal and then Evie. "Ugh, I'm so glad." Mal let out a breath of relief as Carlos and Jay opened the trunk. "Hi, welcome to the Isle. It's good to see you." Evie greeted Lonnie as Estelle walked over to the girls. "Thanks." Lonnie gave the girls a smile. "I told you to stay!" Estelle heard Carlos complain as the two stood behind the trunk. A couple seconds later, Carlos and Jay appeared with swords and wand in hand, Carlos holding Dude as well. "Ooo, here, let me see." Mal reached out for the fake wand as Evie grabbed a tarp for the Limo. "Wow, what a beauty." Mal looked over the wand. "It's noon." Jay pointed out the time. "All right, are we ready?" Mal looked over the group. "Let's do this." Mal nodded with everyone else, and the group made their way through the tunnel, Carlos yelling for Dude to stay with the Limo. 

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