Chapter 6.

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****Darcy's pov

I woke up with the drug urge. I mean it had been three months sober and I don't know why I was craving one now, especially with Harry's muscular arms wrapped around me, I felt protected. Then I realized why, I could smell it. It wasn't one smoked recently, like you couldn't see the smoke, but the smell was left on something, something close. I rolled underneath Harry's arm, to face him. I raised my nose just above his hair, since it was the only thing that could smell other than his boxers. I take a whiff of his curls, what the hell? His hair smelt of the smoke of a joint. Now why would he be using drugs? Oh my gosh this can't be happening. I struggled to wriggle myself from his grip and out of his bed, waking him up in the process.

"Babe? Where are you going? Come back to bed." He slurs. I walk into the bathroom, remembering where I had once hid my own joints from my dad. I opened the cupboard under his bathroom sink, reaching up and making my hand do a little dance in search for a brown bag. I found it tugging it down, and walking back to him holding it up. His eyes get wide, he then proceeds in getting up and locking his bedroom door, and sitting back down on his bed. He looked utterly shocked. "How the hell did you know?You were dead asleep! And how did you know where I hid it?" He asked in a hushed yell.

"Because, you're stupid enough not to wash your hair after."

"How did you know to smell my hair?!" He asks.

"God, Harry has Ni really never talked about me?" I ask throwing him his bag.

"Not really actually."

"Alright now I'm going to get down to it, how deep are you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just joints? Cocaine? Heroine?"

"Just joints." He lied, I could tell because your pupils dilate when you lie, and his did.

"Don't lie to me Harry." I sigh.

"Coke." He says. Looking down.

"Do you have any?"

"No." He says looking back up at me. I lean on one leg putting my hand on my hip.

"So you're telling me that I won't find a bag underneath your condom drawer, in an old pair of shoes or behind a picture frame?" I say, his mouth literally dropped.

"How the hell did you know about those?! I didn't even do that last night!" I look around his room looking for some sort of secret hiding place, small so nobody would notice, or large with a trap door. There was some decorative boxes on some shelves, I walked over to them, large, medium, and small. I don't hesitate on grabbing the medium and looking back at him. His eyes practically popping out of his head. I find the small latch on the back, opening the sky blue box. Exactly what I had predicted. I took in a sharp breath.

"Exactly what I predicted, heroine needles."

"How the hell." He stated. I shut the box and replace it to is original position on the shelf.

"I was addicted to that box... I've been clean for three months now. I need it to stay that way, I know its incredibly hard to stop, but if you ever want to be my boyfriend you have to. I can't get back into drugs. My dad only let me come here to go to school, and I have to be sober to get in. Of course I don't really want to pursue the class my dad is requiring me to take in order to stay here."

"What is the class?"

"Don't change the topic. Harry I seriously can only be with you if you are sober. Otherwise I'd get into it again and I'd be on a plane to Rio."

"Alright." He says walking over to me and picking up the blue box, I follow him into the bathroom. He opens the box. There were nine needles, I usually remembered buying one, five, or ten at a time, which means he's probably only used one. He picked up one of the needles, squirting it down the drain. "I only used one..." he says draining another. I stand behind him wrapping my arms around him. "Is it hard? Watching me do this?" He asks.

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