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Rick: The group found a place, it was good, it had just the right amount of space. You would think what could be the problem there, well the place was a bar and that meant some of the group members would be drinking, Rick would be one of them, you sometimes hated when Rick got drunk which wasn't often. But it meant he would be clingy and annoying, yeah the first time he was drunk and you were with him it surprised you, how could you not be surprised I mean his personality didn't give that type of vibe.

In a blink of an eye all the men were stupidly laughing at random stuff. Rick saw you talking to Beth and Maggie, he excused himself and stood up making his way to you.

You saw him and immediately started to get away from there but it wasn't fast enough he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into a hug obviously you couldn't get out of it.

"Y/N have I ever told you how much I love you?" He started, you rolled your eyes and nodded "yes Rick you have like a million times" you sighed. You didn't like to show much affection it just wasn't in your blood to do so, Rick pulled away "well I love you more than anything in this world, well after Carl and Judith of course but the point is I love you so much".

You kissed him and obviously his lips tasted like alcohol but you didn't care this time.

Through out the night Rick was following you everywhere, you were talking with Maggie? Rick was there, You went to the bathroom? Rick was waiting outside.

Everybody went to sleep and so did you that meant Rick layed with you. You wanted to sleep but Rick kept talking and talking.

You decided it was time for him to shut up, so you suddenly sat on his lap and kissed him hard until there was no oxygen left, when you pulled away from him you said "I really want to sleep, Rick please let me sleep honey" he quickly nodded his head, You knew that he wouldn't forget that and that you would be having some fun in the morning.

Daryl: Beth wanted to drink, after everything that happened with the group getting separated and her father dead, you couldn't blame the poor child.

You and Daryl watched Beth drink, she wanted Daryl to drink also and so he did, he was worried something would happen if he was drunk but you took all his worries away, so he drank like there was no tomorrow.

It was a whole experience for you since it was the first time you saw Daryl drunk, he seemed happy? Happy looked good on him and I mean what doesn't look good on him. 

Once he drank two whole freaking whiskey bottle he decided that it was enough. He stood up or more like tried to stand up and you helped him.

He wanted to check if the doors were closed yet again for the fifth time. "I'll go Daryl I'm a big girl now I think I can manage just checking the door" you said. After arguing for a while he finally decided to give in, after you finished checking if the doors were closed you went back to Daryl seeing Beth gone you asked Daryl "hey where did Beth go?" to which he responded with a slurred  voice "sleep".

He looked at you for a good 5 minutes you tried to ignore but it was just too disrupting "what the hell are you doing" you asked more like stated Daryl shrugged "I don't know you're just beautiful Y/N have I told you that before?" You blushed madly and nodded afterall you were together "yes you have idiot".

He stared at you some more and stood up from his place, he walked up to you and for some reason as always your heart started beating faster like everytime you were near him. He grabbed your chin and made you look up at him, you each gazed at the others eyes. 

Daryl started kissing you with so much passion and delicacy that you couldn't help but moan which made Daryl more impatient and started to take off your shirt.

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