Oh 100%,actually Avery,I'm terrified I won't get a Second date.

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*Hectors pov*

Today was our first game back of the season!

We were playing against Athletic Club which would be tough but we are a confident team.

Me and Avery were currently driving to the stadium,she had music on full blast In the car as i admired her

Her voice was beautiful,not as beautiful as her tho.

We arrive at the stadium that was already packed

"You look good in my jersey Ave."

"Suits me doesn't it?"

I chuckle as she does as well

"Oh and I sent you your ticket."

"Thank you.Well i see Sira so I'm going to leave.Have a good game."She leans over and leaves a kiss on my lips


I head out the car too and walk up to Pau

"Are you coming out with us tomorrow?"I ask

"Yes,arcade right?"

"Yep,Lamine is also bringing some one with him."I say winking

He laughs and I laugh too,we walk into the changing room to get ready to warm up.

I get ready in silence with my AirPods in.I just don't really need any distractions from this game right now.

I finish getting changed and take my air pods out

Seems like everyone had the same idea because the dressing room was pure silence

I head out first and just do tricks with the ball waiting for everyone else

"Yo."Torre says coming up to me

Weird.I haven't spoken to him since i told him to stay away from Avery

"Uh hi?"

"So,how are you and Avery?"He asks passing me the ball

"Great thanks for asking."

"Good,Look Bro i just wanted to say I don't want any like beef between us."

I squint my eyes as if to say you started it until he continues

"I know what i did to Avery was wrong but you have to admit she is a beautiful girl and practically every male on this planet likes her."

This was a shit apology.

"But sorry,we good?"

"Sure,nice talking to you Pablo."I say walking off to Marc

Marc was singing some song to himself until i came up to him

"Oh,hey Hector."

"Hey,you good?"

"Yeah,hope we win today.100%."


Me and Marc stop passing to each other and walk back to the changing room

I get changed into my kit next to Gavi who was watching TikTok?

"Gavi,are you actually watching TikTok right now?"Lamine asks

"Uhh yeah.Why?"

"At least he's confirmed."I say to Lamine

Always and forever~Hector FortWhere stories live. Discover now