Chapter 1

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  I was sitting in Literature, when something flew into the back of my head. I picked it up off the ground, and realized it was a piece of paper wadded up into a ball. I carefully opened it, and the words on there would have a normal person crying. Me? I laughed. People tell me these things all the time. I'm used to it by now. Wanna know what it said?

 You are a worthless bitch. No one likes you here. I don't understand why you can't just leave already. Dirty little fucking slut. I bet you go around opening your legs to anyone breathing. That is.. if anyone would give you the time of day. Whore.

 And people had the nerve to say these kinds of things, when I did nothing to deserve it. All I know is by the end of the day, I'm still me. And there's nothing I can do to change it. And I wouldn't change it. I mean I would love to change it yeah, but I can't. You see. I deserve it after what I did to him. It was a mistake. One I wish I could take back but couldn't. And even though I didn't want to, and it was forced on me.. I couldn't help but realize how fake people actually are.

 I mean yeah sure some are real... but the majority of people just want to be liked for who they pretend to be.. Not who they actually are. That's how I used to be. But not anymore. Now I'm the real me. The me that I was scared to show anyone but my close "friends" the me that I have always hidden because of how popular I was when I was pretending.

 I did like the attention I got because most of it was good. I was never bullied, and everyone seemed to like me. But after that night people treated me different. They asked for each side of the story.. Surprisingly, and well made the decision that I was lying. So now I'm the main target at school. And sometimes I can get away with being under the radar, but other times that's not the case. Like today for instance.

 All I'm wearing is a shirt that says "Worth It" and some black jeans, and a hood. I see nothing wrong with it. But apparently since the main girl of the school and my ex best friend Chelsie, was wearing the same exact shirt, people were giving me a hard time. SO I kept my hoodie on. You know, till I got yelled at to take it off as jackets in class "Are against dress code". Yeah that's complete bullcrap but I let it slide.

 Back to what I was saying. Okay so after I laughed (Silently of course) another one hit my head. I opened it, and it was empty. Next thing you know... someone throws a book at me. And of course it just had to hit me in the back of my head causing me to yelp, and everyone looking at me.

"Jayden? Are you okay?" The teacher asked from up front. All eyes were on me. I turned around, and the book thrower- Chase Mathews- shook his head 'no' at me. I turn back to Mr. Nickson, and nodded my head.

"Yes, Sir.. I just uhm... Kicked my foot, and it hit the desk in front of m-me. And I s-stubbed my toe," I said lamely causing the class to laugh and say things like "loser" "Attention whore" and "clumsy bitch".

"Class, quiet down. And that was very clumsy of you Jade. I expect you to not make the same mistake again."

"Yes Sir. S-sorry."

 The class went on afterwards, and nothing else was thrown at me.. Shockingly. When class was over, I went to my locker, not surprised to see two sticky notes. Under the sticky notes my locker was spray-painted on. It said "Slut" in bold black letters, which stood out on the light blue locker. I shook my head in disappointment in humanity, and how stupid it is. I placed my books in there, and was getting the books I need for my second and third class when I saw people standing behind me in my mirror.

 I turned, and there stood Chase, Chelsie, and Victor. Also Chelsie's little group of minions.

"Jayden honey, how have you been?" Asked Chelsie.

"The usual," I said. "You?"

"Oh, I'm a little mad."

"Here, I'm not going to guess. Because you're going to tell me,"

"Listen here Bitch. I don't want you even remotely looking at anyone popular. Because heavens knows what would happen if you were to get the impression someone actually likes you," she said. And not a single person stood up for me. Like usual. I smiled sweetly.

"I'm not stupid. I know this already. No need to keep reminding me your highness," I said mockingly.

"Watch it Moore," she said.

"I'm shocked. You took the time to know my last name!" I said. Chase stepped forward and smacked me.

"Bitch," he said to me. I stepped back, letting myself lean against my locker. I held my hand to my face, and Chelsie laughed, causing her minions to laugh at me as well. I held back a smart ass remark, and turned back to my locker. 

 Victor turned me around, and shove me back. "You know better than to turn your back on us little girl," he said practically growling.

"Well me turning my back is better than giving a smartass remark and getting hit again," I said in response. I saw Hailey and Scarlett walking towards us and I let out a breath I've been holding in. Hailey stepped forward shoving Victor out of the way.

"Move Asshole. You don't want the principal to get involved do you? No? I thought so," she seethed. Scarlett just stood there not really doing anything.

 Hailey shoved him back again, and this time he finally took the hint and left without another word. The rest of their little group followed behind him wordlessly, but looked at me with clear disgust. Hailey runs a hand through her hair, and looks at Scarlett with a hint of disapproval.

"Scar, why didn't you help me?" She asked. She looked a little relieved that they left, and partially shocked because they didn't try killing her.

"Because I don't want them targeting me next. I'm sorry for watching out for myself."

"Don't you think that's kind of selfish?" she said. "I mean you see me not giving a damn. Why can't you do the same and look out for your best friend?"

"I'm sorry I'm not like you. At least I care for myself and not everyone else. Hailey you are blind. She's just using you so she doesn't get picked on as much. That's why she isn't saying anything right now!"

"That's not true Scarlet and you know that," I said. "You should remember that I have tried pushing you guys away! But you didn't listen and continued to be my friends! And I'm not using you guys. Hailey's smart enough to figure that out, but I guess you aren't!"

"You know what? Don't ever talk to me again. Either of you. I'm done with you both. I'll find some better friends that aren't at the bottom of the food chain," and with that she stomped off leaving me with Hailey who looked shocked about her little outburst.

"Man, all she does is care about herself!" Hailey said. "I mean one minute she's fine with being our friends and helping with the bullying situation and then the next she's going off about how this affects her life! I can't stand her!"

"I'm sorry Hailey. This is all my fault!" I said frowning, and she looked at me like I've gone crazy.

"This is her own fault. Not yours. I'm just glad she left before she could become one of those fake friends who helps the bullies," she said. "Let's just forget about it. At least we're still friends. That's all that matters, right?"

"I guess. But I don't want you to have to be stuck with me, when you could be popular," I said.

"There was a time when you were popular. But you still hit rock bottom. If you stay at the bottom then it won't hit you as hard when you fall," she said. "Just one little circumstance can make you fall, and yours happened to be a really dumb boy."

 And that my friends is why I loved my best friend. Not like that of course, but I still loved her nonetheless. We walked to the cafeteria for some food, talking about anything and everything.

People tried tripping me but I quickly jumped over them. You're probably asking yourself what happened to make everyone hate me. And it's simple really.

Chase told everyone I cheated on him.

But I didn't...

Something way worse happened. Something... unforgettable.

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