Savior of the Raid...

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You never raid... We need you... But.. The raids already over now.....

 "Hurry! Charge in! We don't have any time to mess around!" said the Chief. I'm one of the healers, as usual. I might be a druid, but i can tank too! We arn't just meant for healing cause we are with nature. We can be fearse. What do you think Bear form and cat form are for? Fighting! Healing is for Priests! Anyway... As we charge in to Ogrimmar, I notice this rogue trying to sneak upon my brother. I quickly go into cat form, dash, and head straight for the rogue, i'll show the chief what i'm really made of. I charge at the rogue and my brother is wondering what i'm doing. He stares at me with confusion of why im chargeing! I finally hit my target, I stun the rogue. The chief stops the whole raid, they all stare at me. The Chief yells "What is the meaning of this, Darkwolves!?!" Yup, that's my name... Darkwolves. I look around, I say to him "I was only trying to save my brother from this rogue, chief." "If only you were as smart as your brother to know that it was a spy disguised as one of the Horde!!!" The chief said. I looked down and saw my friend, Reaperswar. I blushed, cause i kinda had a crush on him. I backed up off of him. "Sorry, Reap." I said in a whisper. "It's ok, Dark." He said with a smile on his face. The Chief gave me the death stare and finally said "You arn't meant to be a Damage Dealer or a tank, now stay in the form your suppose to to heal so we can get going!!" I got out of cat form and sighed. I hated being a healer, everyone thinks we can't do anything but heal. My parents were both tanks! So why can't I be one...

 Author's Note: This story will continue, it's not going to be in chapters! :P

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