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She normally had a tendency to watch a bunch of old movies while her guardian was out, and so that was exactly what she had been doing until her night was thoroughly interrupted.

The girl was in the kitchen, her nose all but pressed against the microwave to watch the popcorn bag spin around, when a different kind of noise filtered into her ear.

It was a creaky sort of sound, wood pushing against wood, following by a lull of whooshing wind. It was a sound she knew— it was the sound of her bedroom window opening.

Emerson's thumb clicked the off button on the microwave, her breathing stilling completely. Her eyes flickered toward the ceiling when she heard feet that were trying to be quiet, but were failing based on the way something was knocked over.

She knew being in Beacon Hills for this long was too good to be true; the bad man would always find her, and perhaps he know had once more.

Fear seized her entire body, but her instincts, the ones she honed throughout the years of evading capture, drove her toward the front door. Her quick pace, or jackrabbiting heart rate, must've alerted the intruder because their clamouring feet began to hasten, too.

Emerson wasn't even two feet away from the front door when she collided into something hard, the force causing her to almost lose her footing on the concrete step. Hands steadied her, grabbing at her biceps.

When she looked up, she couldn't stop herself from inhaling sharply. The man stood there, clad in a leather jacket that only added to his broody demeanour, and he looked just like his mugshot photos, honestly.

Though, he was looking her like he already knew who she was, and the realization that Isaac must have snitched quickly dawned on her. It forced her to play along.


His response was almost as immediate as the way his hands retracted from her. "Emerson."

Footsteps emerged from behind her, and once she craned her head to see just who the hell had been inside her house, she was less than pleased at the sight. The dirty blond had a sheepish look on his face, partly due to Emerson's erratically beating heart. "Did I scare you too bad?"

A low growl reverberated from her chest. "Oh, I oughta kill you, Lahey!" she yelled, trying to take a lunge at the kid before the hands that were once steadying her grabbed her arm once more. "Snitches get stitches! It's the oldest saying in the book!"

Isaac looked pained for a split second, perhaps a trick of the pot light shining down on the three, before he was simply frowning. "I couldn't help it!" he tried, gesturing to the man behind Emerson. "I can't exactly say no to him!"

Emerson's lip curled back, spinning to face Derek. "You're the most reckless asshole I've ever met, genuinely," she barked out, her eyes rolling, "and for you to send him to break into my home is f—"

"We need to talk."

The blonde girl blinked at his interruption, quick to shake her head. "No the fuck we do not," she breathed out, her heartbeat attempting to return to its normal steadiness, "not after this little stunt. Hell no."

𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐒𝐎𝐎𝐍, derek haleWhere stories live. Discover now