chapter three

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The first time I went too far.... To murder, was in the summer. I was playing in the yard with my best friend.

We were talking about boys, what else would fourteen year old girls do? Anyway, we were talking and Gaby cut her finger on a blade of grass.

It hurt a little, she let out a gasp. I leaned in as the crimson tide burst from the spliced skin. My eyes began to glaze over as I grabbed at her finger.

It started to stop bleeding and my own pulse quickened. I took the grass and cut her further, ignoring her screams.

No matter what blood the little cuts have off it wasn't enough. I dragged her to a hollow behind a bush. Throwing her to the ground I ran and grabbed our old, rusty hatchet.

Gaby's eyes widened as she realized what I was going to do.

"Marianna....please....I'm your friend." Gaby pleaded. Her eyes were wide with unshed tears.

I fought with myself...She was right. "I'm sorry...I have to."

BloodDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora