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In the depths in one of the many floors of the dungeon, the Touden party wander the bricked up hallways forever stretching and branching of into separate routes and rooms.

Laios comes to a halt, pulling out a map in the process and carefully examining it. "Hmm.."Marcille soon stands beside him and carefully looks over the map as well. "There are quite a few areas that look like that place. It's likely we'll have a lot of trouble finding it." Said Laios.

The majority of the other party members idly stood by, a skilled archer elf being the one to pace around a bit as he scribbled down in a notebook. "Well, that settles it. We've gotta move." Laios tells his companions and continues on walking, grabbing the elf pacing about by the collar and dragging him along with them. Said elf known as Erebus paid no mind and continued scribbling in his large book.

Izutsumi perks her ears when taking notes of chest snug in a dark corner of a door-less room. "Hold on, there are a few chests over there," Izutsumi catches the attention of the others, "how about it, Chilchuck? Wanna try cracking them open?"

"We've gotta leave them behind," Laios insists as he stops in his tracks, "we can't afford to spend even a second on distractions."

"We've got someone who's really counting on us!" Added Marcille. "If you're really curious, go ahead and check yourself. We've got a friend to save."

"Hey, I didn't..." The beastman helplessly watches as the rest of the party (minus Erebus) continue venturing the dungeon floor. "Tch.. these guys.."

Erebus stood where he was for a moment with his left ear lightly twitching. He walked past Izutsumi and stopped before the threshold of the room, already making a quick sketch of the chests. Izutsumi watches the elf in confusion and looks over at the chests. One of the chest's lid was left opened by a bit, a large crab-like leg poking out the open space.

"Huh, so it was just a mimic." Izutsumi remarked allowed and Erebus scoffed, huffing of an, "obviously, much appreciated that you oh so kindly pointed it out."
Izutsumi doesn't say a word when glowering at the elf.

Chilchuck, Laios, Marcille and Senshi instantly come to a halt and all turn over to stare Izutsumi dead in the eye with guant faces. "... A MIMIC...?!"

"Where?!!" Laios demanded as he rushed past Izutsumi along with Senshi. "Are you sure it was a mimic?!"
Laios ended up shoving aside Erebus in the peak of his enthusiasm.

"Hey!! Watch it!" Harrumphed Erebus as he smacked the back of Laios's head with his dense book, the tall man not at all phased by his reaction.

"Hey, c'mon now," Izutsumi says with concern, "why are you all so riled up?"

"How did you guys know at a glance that it was a mimic?" Senshi boisterously asked.

"Its claw is visibly sticking out." Erebus coolly replied, louring at Laios and Senshi - he pointed a finger to said claw.

"Ah, I see now." Laios murmured, fascination evident in his voice. "That chest must be too small, so it's searching for a new home," Laios denotes as the crab-like monster reaches for the empty chest from across of the current chest they were in.

"Oh, I can see it crawling towards the other chest," Laios intently watched the monster, oblivious to the fact he had pressed Erebus against the wall. "You're busy crushing me idiot!" Erebus fumed as he tried wriggling free.

"Never did I think I'd ever be able to see anything like this!" Laios beamed, continuously disregarding Erebus's distress. "It must be trying to test how spacious the other just is."

In a blink of an eye, the mimic managed to swiftly hop into the other chest. "WHOA!! It jumped over!" Laios squawks.
"So fast!" Exclaimed Senshi.

Marcille and Chilchuck instantly began setting up to prep for the cooking of the mimic. Izutsumi only watched from a far, staring in incredulous horror at the tall man and dwarf with her hairs on end. "I'm so glad I'm still alive....."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17 ⏰

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