Chapter one

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Liam's POV-

Huh, another day, another bruise, another bully.

Faced with the same daily routine; Get up, get ready, go to school, go through the back custodial doors to avoid facing them, go to classes, go eat lunch in the boys bathroom in the school's basement, go to classes, try to avoid bullies, get caught and hazed by bullies, then go home.

Same thing every day of my miserable life. I can't even remember the last time I was happy for more than five minutes. I often dream of speaking up to them and standing my ground for once, but I never have the guts to do it. All I can do is let them torture me, I mean, what am I supposed to do? I can't just word my way through seven of the biggest, most obnoxious, most brutal boys in school. I am nothing more than a maggot, named Liam Payne.

"Liam! hurry up and get yer' arse down here and eat!"

"Coming mum!"

My mum is basically my best friend, aside from my two sisters, Nicola and Ruth. They always look out for me and make sure I take care of myself, they are truly the only people that keep me from killing myself, besides Lola. Lola is my dream girl, she has beautiful auburn hair, blue eyes, and an amazing personality, there are other things attractive about her but I can't name them all, there is too many. Okay that was a bit cheesy but I really do admire her, from afar that is. She is way to good for a nobody like me, she is everything I'm not, smart, funny, talented, attractive, and most of all, popular. Everyone loves her, and I don't blame them, and just yet another thing standing in my way of any chance I will ever have to even talk to Lola, is her boyfriend, my number one bully, Luke.

Luke is the meanest jock you will never hope to meet. Anyone that isn't his friend or his girlfriend, is the enemy. He prays on the weak and vulnerable like a hungry lion on a little gazelle. He will bully them and torment them until they break, and then he just leaves them to suffer since he already ruined their lives.

Which reminds me, it's Monday.

Mondays are the worst for me.  

Mondays are the days that Luke decides to show up early to school and torment me as much as he can before the bell sounds. Like last Monday, him and his accomplices took me to the boys bathroom where they repeatedly hit me and pushed me down, making me stand up again for one more blow to the face or stomach.

"Liam! Your gonna be late for school!"

"Coming!" I finish getting ready and go downstairs to eat a bowl of cereal before another awful day at school.

"Oh look who decided to join us!", my mum said sarcastically while putting a bowl in front  of me. I pour some cereal into my bowl and then the milk, and eat my stress away, which didn't really work but it was worth a shot.

"So Liam, did you finish your coursework last night, or did you stay up watching the telee until late?", my mum asked while setting some dishes in the sink.

"I got it done mum, and I only watched the telee until 10.", I said shoveling another spoonful of cereal in my mouth.

"Good, now hurry up or your gonna be late.", my mum said giving me a look. So I finished my breakfast and hoisted my back pack on my shoulders.

"Bye mum! see you after school!", I yelled to my mum while putting my shoes on and opening the door.

"Bye honay! Have an amazing day at school! Love you!", She yelled as I walked out the door.

Huh, only if...


I arrive at school and go my usual route through the back doors, and same as usual, there's Luke and three of his friends standing beside my locker.

"Oh look boys, our little buddy has arrived!"

Oh here we go.

"Luke, what should we do with him this time?", a brown haired boy named James adds in.

"Lets show him the way to our little hide out outside, shall we?", Luke says with an evil smirk. They then grab me by my arm forcefully and lead me to the playing field. They shove me a little as we walk and chuckle as they do it. They then violently shove me underneath an opening in the bottom of the bleachers.

"Guys, please don't", I pleaded but that did nothing for me.

"Shut it you little fuck!", Luke said while pushing me back down and kicking dirt in my face. I attempt to wipe my face but I only smeared it more. Then I felt his knuckles connect with my cheek bone, sending a hot, growing pain through the left side of my face. I stumbles over backwards yet again and fell on a hard rock that lay in the dirt, now sending a sharp pain through my back. I heard them all laugh and Luke pin me on my back making the rock dig in even more and making it impossible for me to get up.

"Now you listen Payne", he said intentionally spitting while pronouncing the 'P' in my last name.

"I am the alpha, and you do as I command or I will make sure you suffer the rest of your miserable, pathetic life, you hear me?", He spat at me, and I nodded and said a shy yes. He then connected his fist yet again with my already beaten face.

"I said do you hear me!?", he spat again.

"yes", I said a little louder.

"Good, see you at lunch, maggot.", he said harshly getting off of me and spitting down on me before turning and leaving with his group of followers.

Great, yet again have I had to go through their shit and now I have lunch to look forward too now...



Hey everyone!! Just starting a fan fiction that has the roles reversed. Not that I don't like the other fan fics that make them the bullies but I just wanted to turn the tables a bit!! Again, I don't mean to start so many stories and not finish them but this one I will for sure will!! and don't forget to check out 'The Forgotten Ones' written by yours truly and lots of love to you all!!


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