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(Art design of ocs may appear in the near future)


Otherwise known as Jax, A slag mutant that wants to find the vault get even with jack for experimenting on him, his mutation lead him to realize if jack got the vault his form will just be fraction of the chaos to come.

Appearance: black skin, wild mane

Clothes: cloak, metal gauntlets, armored boots.

Home Planet: Pandora

Skills: tracking, weapon specialist, hand to hand combat, Slag Form- transforms into a humanoid Saurian, powers/upgrades are focused around the saurians from BL 3.

Likes: music, games, action, friends, family, animals, his pet, mocking jack

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Likes: music, games, action, friends, family, animals, his pet, mocking jack

Dislikes: handsome Jack, bandits, Hyperion

Love interest: Amara

Love interest: Amara

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-Mad Dog

A psycho, like krieg, so wild and out of control other psycho fear him, he was a wolf themed mask and has a color with a chain on it. He has gauntlets with shredding blades and he runs like sabertooth runs in the marvel movie. He may be savage but he's still loyal to his friend

Home planet: pandora

Appearance: white skinned with burn marks

Clothes: wild psycho mask, genie around his arms, orange pants

Skills: slashing, speed, taking a lot I mean a lot of damage, intimidation, has flaws and flamethrowers

Likes: friends, his flamethrowers, some action, kicking around claptrap, Kreig, tiny Tina, sparks, stabbing and bitting

Dislikes: friends getting hurt, not slashing or burning, getting left out for a fight, inner voices arguing


A young teenager who's a genius for inventing. Always building and upgrading weapons for the group. Has a short fuse to match his hight. Don't piss him off or you'll regret it. Oh yeah, He's secretly from a rich family he wanted to be free from and left to pandora adopting a new name ending up. He replace his arms with cyborg arms that divide into iron tendrils/tentacles, making easier to do long range attack, grapple, rip apart, or build stuff.

Home planet: Eden 5

Appearance: tan skin with messy hair.

Clothes: sleeveless jacket, brown pants with boots.

Likes: music, inventing, his friends, Gaige, his pet, vehicles

Dislikes: friends getting hurt, someone calling him short,

Skills: Inventing, cyborg arms, guns, robots, his pet

Love interest: Gaige

Love interest: Gaige

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- Casey

Casey is a bounty hunter with the taste for the western. He's basically a space cowboy. Was hired by Jack to hunt down the crimson raiders, but when he learned how cruel Jack is he changed sides.

Home planet: unknown

Appearance: brown skinned

Clothes: blue cowboy hat, large scraf, cowboy attire

Skills: gun slinging, marksman, martial arts swift

Likes: the thrill of a hunt, money, challenge, zero, his friends, nisha

Dislikes: Jack, idiots, losing bounties, people with no honor

Love interest: Nisha

Love interest: Nisha

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Along with the cast of, Maya, Krieg, Gaige, Salvador, Axton, Zero and of course Claptrap. More characters will make an appearance. 

Boom that's it for the bio. Get ready for a slaggin' time as Jax shows you what a mutant can really do. And how his team, his family, will become legends throughout pandora, and the universe. And discovered secrets of the vaults no one ever knew was possible. Next Chapter, where the adventure begins in, Prologue.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15 ⏰

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