1. The New York Fangirl

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Me: Hey!! I'm @austin-and-ally!!

Ally: Hi!!

Austin: Why are we being written in script form?

Dez: *shrugs*

Trish: Are we always like this anyways?

Jessie: Yea.

Emma: OMG!!! AUSTIN MOON!! *chases Austin*

Dez: Back away from the popstar! *runs*

Austin: *screams* AHH!!!

Trish: Should we help them?

Ally: Nah. They got it under control.


New York is a beautiful place. With birds chirping, sun shining, and the screams of a... fangirl?

"Ohmygosh!!" A blonde haired teen girl squeals.

"Emma what's wrong?! Oh, wait, that's your Austin Moon scream!" Jessie says.

"Yep! And he's coming to New York again!!" Emma squeals one more time.

"Oh, yea! I remember the whole 'New Years concert' and the 'Zuri getting stuck in the big ball at Times Square' those were some... crazy times." Jessie said.

"Where is Zuri anyways?" Emma asks.

"Whoah!!" Zuri shouts as she rollerskates right into the fridge. "Oww."

"Oh, there you are!" Emma says.

"What's wrong?" Zuri asks.

"Austin. New York. Concert. Tickets. Need. Please?" Emma said random words.

"Use your words, Emma." Jessie said.

"I know what she is saying." Zuri says.
"Austin Moon is coming to New York and Emma is asking me to help her get tickets."

"How did you get that from Austin, New York, Concert, Tickets, Need, Please?" Jessie asks her.

"I was spying..." Zuri mutters.

"That explains how you found out I was an alien... But I'm not..." Jessie says.

Emma just stares at Jessie.

"Long story, and horrible example. Zuri knew." Jessie told Emma.

"Oh." Emma says. "That explains your tennis raquet like feet."

Jessie has the 'You are so dead' look on her face.

Luke and Ravi walk into the room.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Luke says, with a cool attitude.

"Hi, hi, hi!" Ravi says, with anything but a cool attitude.

"Just, don't." Luke tells him.

In Miami at the A & A Music Factory...

"Guess who's doing a concert in New York for no apperent reason?!" Trish says and looses her breath at 'no apperent reason.'

"Let me guess." Austin says.

"I'd say Austin? Because he hasn't preformed in a while." Ally suggested.

"Yup!" Trish said.

"Really?!?!" Austin asked, with a suprised tone.

"Why would I lie to you?" Trish asks him.

Austin shrugs and pulls all of them into a group hug. When Dez and Trish let go, Austin & Ally are still hugging.

"Umm, guys?" Trish asks them.

They still hug. (A/N: Aww!! Auslly forever!) They finally stop, look at eachother, and blush a dark shade of red.

"We need to get them together. But, how?" Trish wispers to Dez.

"At New York, if there is one bed in the guest room and it's queen, then they sleep in there. Well at the hotel." Dez wispers back.

"What are you guys talking about?" Ally asks them.

"Umm... Umm.. Umm." Trish said.

"Duh. We're trying to-" Dez says and Trish slaps her hand over his mouth.

"Doofus..." She mumbles.

"They're planning something..." Ally wispers to Austin.

"I just don't know what..." Austin wispers back.

"Do we get a jet?" Dez asks Trish.

"Actually yes!" Trish replies.

"Awesome!" Auslly says.

"Anyways, come on Austin and Ally!" Dez says and runs to the right.

"Other way doofus." Trish yells.

"Ohh.... Didn't know..." Dez runs the other way and Austin chuckles and says "Wait up!!" Then runs after him.

Ally and Trish chuckle and walk after the guys.
Me: Finally done!!!!!

Ally: Yay!!!

Trish: That was awesome!!

Luke: Yup.

Emma: AUSTIN!!!!

Austin: *runs*

Dez: I'm coming Austin!!! *chases after both of them*

Ravi: Bye!!

Austin, Jessie, and Ally CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now