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Chapter two

❝Blondie chooses her side❞



𝑰f someone had tell Felix that his cousin, who always obeyed his would come late
and missed dinner with then he would
have rolled his eyes and tell him that them
delusional they are. Yet here he was seeing
Gravien agreste being impatient as his son
was late and missed dinner.

"My nephew must have lost the track of time." Amelie smiled, waving off the matter
and simply stay content by the fact her
nephew has obtained more freedom than
he used to had.

"This is unacceptable." Gabriel shook his head.

"Sir, the Mayor had sent many messages about Adrien passing time with his 'sweet' daughter." Nathalie Sancoeur, the trust assistant of Gabriel Agreste and the one
who mostly take care of Adrien and his
studies aling side Adrien's health and even
his modeling and words plus fencing.

Suddenly the door was opened by Adrien, he was panting quietly taking deep breath.
"I am sorry fot being late." His blonde hair seems brighter than usually.

"Probably to make sure I can not pass
as him." Felix chuckled as he thought
to himself.

"Adrien!" Amelie went and hugged her nephew before Gabriel had the time to
scolded the poor teenager. Adrien grinned.

"Aunt Amelie!"

Adrien stood there, relieved to have his aunt's embrace. However, he couldn't help but notice the tension in the air. His father Gabriel, who was usually so composed and reserved, seemed particularly frustrated tonight.

Gabriel cleared his throat and said, "Adrien, your tardiness is completely unacceptable. You have a responsibility to this family. You must always be on time for dinner."

Amelia raised a brow. She should punch that man.

Adrien hung his head, feeling like he had let his father down. He didn't understand why he was always expected to be perfect, but it seemed like no matter what he did, it was never enough.

As Adrien sat down at the table, his father continued to lecture him. "And your friends and fencing should take a back seat to your studies. You need to focus on your modeling and education

Adrien felt like he was being suffocated by his family's expectations. He wished he could tell them the truth - that his fencing and friends were his only escape from the intense pressure he felt at home. But he didn't dare say anything that might make his father even more disappointed in him.

So he sat there, silent and miserable, eating his dinner. He couldn't wait for the night to be over and for things to go back to normal.
He tried to ignore the glance, Felix would─
gave him from time to time.

"Boys, go to sleep after. You both have school tomorrow!" The blondes cousins
nodded their head and stood up. Felix made his way to Adrien's room followed
by Adrien in person.

Adrien ignored the 'good night' from his father. He just wanted the night to pass
to finally be with his friends again. Chloe
─even if she still have her bratty attidute
have became just like how they were as kids. A spoiled brat but still suportive girl.

𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐄𝐋 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑;𝐌𝐋𝐁Where stories live. Discover now