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I took a deep breath before telling him the story. "My mom died 13 years ago." Terrence unbuckled me and brought me on his lap, so I was straddling him.

"When my mom died, when I was four, I saw it, Ter. I saw how she was murdered. He did it. He killed her. I was hiding in the closet like my mom told me to. I hid behind the door as he barged into the room. He threw numerous beer bottles at her, and she cried at him to stop, that I was in the house, awake.

He then slapped her and she hit her head on the floor. She didn't get back up. I saw him leave and thought it was over I opened the door and went to her but then I heard him coming back and ran back to the closet. He had a bat Ter. And he swung with all his might at her. The cracking noise sounded like it did when a baseball hit the bat. Blood splattered out of her head and onto my teddy bear, onto the floor and onto him.

He walked out again and to the shower and I rushed to my mom. I didn't know what to do. I just held my teddy bear and called out for her. My dad then came back called the police and things went from there. Everyone left me alone, seeing the poro 4 year old holding a bloody teddy bear and calling out for her mom.

I never had the guts to tell everybody he did it."

Tears were pouring down my face and Terrence wiped them away while rubbing my arm softly.

"He never touched me until I turned 13."

Terrence looked into my eyes with pure emotion.

"He doesn't just whack me around the house. He doesn't just beat me, punch kick, throw all else. He makes me do things. Gross dirty unmentionable- I feel like a dirty. I can- he just." I didn't know I was sobbing until Terrence pulled me into a tight hug. I let the tears out for some time before Terrence cupped my face, wiping away the tears.

"Everything will be okay Mi. I promise."

It was silent for some time before Terrence brushed my hair away from my face.

"Have you ever thought about telling the cops Mi?"

"No. I can't do that." I replied.

"Why not Mi. If you're dad does all this to you-"

"BECAUSE HE IS THE COPS." I yelled out in frustration. Nobody got how I was hopeless, how I couldn';t go anywhere, tell anybody.

Because he is everybody.


"I just, I can't find a way around it so I just gave up Ter. he is the cops, the everything. he can't get pinned for killing my mom because he is the cops he can alter evidence, alter stories and shit. I can't do anything."

"We have to do something. because I'm not letting you go back. And if he sees your gone he can get you from school. We have to do something before he gets back Mi."

"I don't know Ter. I know I want to stay with you, and never go back. But I don't think we can get around him."

"Well, I'll try my damn hardest Mi. Fo you."

I looked up into his determined eyes and almost gasped at how green they were. The raw emotion in them had me taken aback. Terrence cupped my face caressing my cheeks with his thumbs.

Out foreheads connected, our eyes never breaking contact. He started to lean in and my breath hitched. I closed my eyes as his lips touched mine softly. He just stayed there not moving. He pulled back after a few seconds and opened his eyes, to meet mine.

I ran my fingers through the back of his head, in his hair and tugged him closer attaching our lips. His moved gently across mine and I moved mine back.

My whole stomach lighted in fire, a tingly sensation running through me. I smiled into the kiss and I knew Terrence could save me. He can help me get away. If he makes me feel so, good, free, happy, then he can get me away from the monster.

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