the first part

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Me: Joe. I'm 13, I'm a completely insane tech wizard.

My brother: Tom. He's 15, doesn't care about technology, is endlessly sarcastic, but not at all afraid to do what he needs to do. Unless it involves spiders. Or harming puppies. My bro Tom always had his head inside a Magic the Gathering deck or some anime. I watch them too, but not as much as him. Mom and Dad were at work and our brother and siste were out at baseball and babysitting, so it was just me, Tom, and Matt, our shy little brother, age 12. So the day was going fairly normally, I was just finishing an invention, Tom and Matt were upstairs playing Halo (Matt being far better). I rushed upstairs to try out my invention, and was greeted by a condescending glance from Tom. So, I clicked the button. He froze. So, I clicked it again, and he was back to normal, though breathing a bit heavily. Might have to write that down... "What the hell?" he screamed. "How did I become a flood!? Son of a b****! I really suck at this game..." and then he looked at me, and I knew he was starting to piece it together. "Holy... s***... you made a *he stutters* a f***ing PEOPLE EMP!!!""He made a what!?" Matt asked."Yeah, that's a pretty accurate title." I responded to Tom.Then Tom looked out the window, then looked back at us like he'd just seen the dead come back. "How the... aww s***... wait- Matt! GET DOWNSTAIRS!!!""Why, are Mom and Dad home?""Just get the f*** downstars!! NOW!!!""Why sh-" he looked at Tom and all color drained from his face. "o-ok..."he sprinted downstairs. I looked at Tom. I could see the bowels of hell in those eyes. "Joe?""Yes?"
"Does your EMP work on groups?""I dunno, I just made it.""All right. Do you remember how it's made?""Yeah..." I was pretty sure I knew where this was going. "If it's just the one guy, you can keep it, but if not, destroy it and destroy all evidence of it. If it is just the one guy, wait for my signal."So I waited. he was basically just your classic CIA guy. So he and Tom exchanged small talk for a while, and then he Eren Jeager'd him (look it up, I'm pretty sure that's not what it's actually called) and gave me the signal. So I pressed the button. It worked, then Tom broke his arms and left him on the side of the road.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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