The Lone Wolf

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Carson's pov:

Carson Chaining is my name, and I am a werewolf. My parents are the alpha and omega of the pack. They became mates around sixteen, and are still in the deepest love you will ever see. It stays that way once you find your mate, youll never need to love anyone else besides your family. You find your mate around your thirteenth year, but I am seventeen and still haven't had any luck. Being lesbian doesnn't help either, you think they are in abundance for my imprinting?! HELL NO!! Of corse you should know, that once you see your mate, there is no one else you will envy or lust for, no one but him or her. My aunt who is also a lesbian, she found her mate around the age of eighteen, but I cant wait that long. Imprinting works both ways I guess. Ive always been real boyish, because I dress like one. My parents accept it just fine, and since there is no sexual discrimination in who runs the pack, I am now future alpha because I am the oldest. 

There is no sense in dating when you're a werewolf, since you will find your mate. So there are no heartbreaks. That's a benefit. My seven younger brothers and sisters are annoying as crap, so I don't have that much of a patience. Your mate can be either human, or a werewolf. I sure hope it is a human, because it want to be able to fully mate, and we will be a part of each other. That's what happened with my parents. We just moved to East Ridge, North Carolina. Their accent is, different, but so is mine because I am from Alaska. I start as a junior on Monday at East Ridge high, and boy, am I not excited. People usually leave me alone since I am used to being the new kid, and I don't take crap, so bullies are out of the picture. I am just tired of moving, I hate change; my mom calls me stubborn and hard headed, but I just want to feel comfortable and not on the edge of my seat.

"Carson. Carson. CARSON!" "WHAT MOM?!" I yelled, I hated when she interrupted my thoughts. "Sorry grumpy pants! I just asked you what you wanted me to pack for your lunch! Ham or Bacon?" She always packs my lunch with meat, I love it, and cant get enough. "Bacon" I answered blankly. "You've been nothing but an irritable pain the past three days, whats your problem, child?" she asked. "I'd appreciate it if we stopped moving around all the damn time, and I could stay somewhere and be normal" I replied bluntly. "I told you, your father says this is the last time, he promises we are staying here until you graduate. Look on the bright side, you might find your mate. So stop being a bitch and make some new friends, how bout it?" she replied. My mother and i cuss at eachother for fun on a reglular basis. "I will never find my mate mom, and no, I don't want friends." ...I am called a "lone wolf" by my parents and other people, they don't understand I am not a social person. "Good mourning mommy!" my younger sister Jenny came in the kitchen skipping. She is a fourteen year old scene kid. Recently, she died her hair black and its as high as the ceiling almost, and she got red extensions. I bought her a pair of purple contacts for her birthday, so she dresses like a freaking rainbow. "Good mourning sweetheart, your sister is taking you and Greg to school", talking about me? "Umm, newsflash mom, I have no car." how crazy is this woman? "Are you sure?" mom had a freaky smile on her face, and my hand accidentally dropped the spoon in my lucky charms, mouth open slightly.

She pulled me to the door and I looked out to see a yellow and black Ford GTX 2010 sitting in the drive way. "JESUS CHRIST MOM!!! WHEN DID YOU GET IT?!" I screamed and almost ripped the screen door off its hinges. I ran over and rubbed the car, "this is my baby. Oh yes, this is my baby. When did you get it?".  "Just last night, your dad drove it home, I am glad you like it. Is your mood any better?" she asked laughing. "Is that a trick question?!" I hugged mom and went back to rubbing and hugging my new car. It was so shiny!!! Jenny came out of the house with her obnoxious rainbow shirt and fluffy, pink tutu on.. "I see Carson found her mate" she laughed and snorted, I could punch her in herbut i was too happy with my new car. Greg, the twin of Jenny walked out of the house, stopped and stared wide eyed at my new ride. He is the good brother I have, his black slick hair was growing more and more, and mom complained he needed to cut. She gave up and accepted it, and was just glad she got him to stop wearing skinny jeans. Jenny popped in her headphones, opened the passenger side door and clamed her mark on shotgun. "Wow. Nice ride sis." said Greg. "Thanks bro, once I get my Jaguar you can have this one" I laughed. We got in the car and it purred like a kitten, the seats felt so good, and I blasted Avenged Sevenfold. "What the crap Carson?! Im listening to something!" yelled Jenny. "My car!" I said over the music. And I sped down the road with a booming trail of music, this was to be a good day.

As I slowed down to find a parking place, all eyes in the parking lot were on me.. I did not think about the attention I would get, but I guess eveything has a flaw... I had to park all the way at the end because all these douche bags get up at the crack of dawn, watch me get here first tomorrow.. 

"See you dweebs later, im skipping" said Jenny with a smirk. "Oh hell no, im not getting in trouble for you" I made that statement loud and clear last time. She had a habit of skipping all the time "fine, I wont" Did she just agree to what I said?! WTF?! She walked away swinging her ass like a little hoe. "Hmm.. unusul" Greg stuffed his hands in his pockets. "So, what are your classes?" he asked, we started walking to the front doors. "Same as you, I checked yesturday. All three of us are in Biology together, lets make sure we stay partners if we have to do dissection" I laughed to myself. "What? Why?" he actually was a blond sometimes. "To make sure Jen don't accidentaly kill us with a scalple" we laughed as we went through the doors.

The hallways are not crowded at all, it was a small school, less suffocation for me. I found my locker and began to unlock it to put up some stuff, but I kept my cell on me just in case Jen or Greg got into trouble.

"Im terribly sorry Ms.Johnson, we don't know how this error occurred but we will have you a locker as soon as possible, maybe you can ask a friend if you can share?" I presume it was the principle, he wore a gray suit and the pants were highwaters.. with white socks.. a nerd. Then I seen the beauty he was talking about.. time froze.. I felt like pissing myself.

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