Chapter 7

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I was stunned ... A battle?. I can only guess who it will be between. I know Carson would fight to the death for me. James too.. Only because he was insane.  

My headache had subsided... "Hey you freak in the floor!! Give me a hug!!" Nikki yelled and ran twards me, she tackled me back onto my back and Layed atop of me. She licked my face, ugh!! Do all wolfs do that?!  

"Ok!! My face is clean!! Next time i just won't wipe my mouth at dinner!!! .... Werewolfs always giving me a cat-bath.." I smarted off.. "You got that right!! And who is this girl that gave you a cat bath.. All over?" she winked and said in a sexy voice.. "Her name is Carson, and she is the most wonderful girl in the will like her, I just know you will" I smiled brightly. "She better be nice, I'll teach her manners!" nikki was such a badass... "Not unless I give permission" I laughed and pushed her off of me.. "Hi aunt Tiffany!" I got up and gave her a hug.."Hi darling, how are you?" . "Im wonderful... Now what's all this talk about James? I told him it was over, I'd never forgive him for what he did.." I was confused at that point..nikki walked over.. "He attacked Ried looking for you, I guessed I was next on the list, but he knows how strong i am.. Anyways, I felt we needed to be down here with you.. To protect you, I guess having your girlfriend helps.." Nikki exclaimed.. "I think he is trying to win you back, and he is dead set in his ways he'll do anything, in my opinion." aunt Tiffany had a good point.. "So when do we get to meet this, Carson? The name just sounds sexy haha!" Nikki teases me way too much.. "That's MY girl, plus, she's older than you" I stated.. I always had to keep nikki away from the older guys when we were younger, she'd go for a teenager in middle school!! "Is she older than you?.." she retorted.. "By a two years" I said quietly.. "Hey! Then it would so not be robbing the cradle, ... But rocking the cradle in your situation" she busted out laughing.. "Oh shut up!! She doesn't rub it in my face that she's older.. Geez she's only seventeen, and a fourteen year old would look, weird.. But sometimes acceptable, wait?! Why am I talking about this?! Ugh!" I shoved her on the couch laughing. "She turns eighteen in December! So she is three years older than you!!!" Nikki had looked through my iPod. "Hey! That's private property!" I jerked it out of her hand.. "It's ok, I didn't read anything in your notes" she smiled evilly. I got that iPod touch for last christmas, it was from James. I kept meaning to buy a different one.. I guess me and Carson can go shopping later...  

We herd a howl.. Carson was letting us know she was there..  

We went outside.. "Is that her?" Nikki asked.. "Yepp" I smiled. "That's a sexy alpha howl!! Your lucky.." nikki punched me in the arm. "She's MINE" I reminded her.. She laughed and we walked to the waterfall..  

BANG! we herd a gun shot and a howl of pain.. Carson! 

We ran as fast as we could to the waterfall, to find an old man walking over to Carsons limp body. "No!!!" I ran over she was whining, and it was dangerous for her to morph back into a human, it could worsen her injuries. "You bastard!" I screamed at the man.. I loathed him with every being of my soul. "There's too many damn wolfs round here! Damn hippy.." he started to walk away and Nikki had stood in shock for it seemed forever, then she looked at him with feirce eyes, like I'd never seen before.. She morphed and attacked the man. "Ah! Help!! I'm-" she bit his neck and snapped his neck.. He was dead..  

I leaned over Carson, I was flowing tears.. "Baby! Are you ok?! Please baby!! Don't give up on me.." I cried out.. She was bleeding too much blood..

Nikki's pov:  

No.. It can't be..  

She's my sisters, but she's mine.. 

Now she's in her death bed?! Just as I find her?! I refuse for her to die, and she looked me in the eyes as I walked over...knowing the betraying truth..

Authors note:  

Sorry it's so short!!! I'm working.. U know i write as I go... But I swear the next chapter will be good!!

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