Vampire Hunters

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My eyes snapped open as I found myself on the cold,hard,wooden floor. I always hated spawning,I could never land on my feet.
"Poods,Dude." Jordan said as he looked down on me and helped me up."You really took a fall!"
"Yeah." I said as I balanced on my feet,my muffled voice echoed through my helmet."I'm still getting used to the new update."
Jordan chuckled as he and I wandered around the room waiting for Spider. Meanwhile,Let me tell you a little about Jordan.
Jordan is my best friend,We know each other for about a year now and he still doesn't know my secret... He is 10,he may be young but he is one of the best friends I could ask for. He has on a green hoodie,green pants,black shoes,short brown hair that is all tucked into a green 'Lol' Hat.
"Spider!!!!" Jordan called as his voice echoed threw the room.
Just a second after,a small blue portal created in the ceiling and Spider fell on Jordan.
I tried my hardest not to laugh as I went over to help them.
"When does the game start?" Spider asked as he rubbed his head.
"Idk." I said.
It may be hard to tell by my voice,but I am a girl. Let's just say in the ROBLOX world,there arnt many girls who look like a boy and act like a boy.
"The game should be starting soon......" Jordan said as a bunch of players spawned.
"I can't believe Gordon was the vampire!" Someone said.
"Yeah...Poor Tracy though...where is Kitty anyway?" Someone else said.
Before I could react my vision went blank and I found myself in a patch of grass. I looked to see that I was still in my character model but,something was off. My teeth felt unusually pointed,and I seemed paler than usual.
"What..?" I questioned myself as I made my way threw the forest that laid ahead of me.
I couldn't help it anymore and took off my helmet,letting my blonde hair fall down and lay on my shoulders.I ran my mouth is r my teeth and reaziled they were still sharp. Then it came to me....I was the vampire for this round.
I held my head. This couldn't be true,it just feels so.....real..
I placed my helmet back on my head when I heard footsteps. I turned to see Jordan and Spider come out from the shadows.
"Dude,Finally..." Jordan said out of breath as he leaned on Spider."We've been looking all over for you..."
"y-y-yeah... We must have spawned a while away..." I said shakenly.
"You said it..." Spider agreed. "There was this girl who asked us to take our masks off and show her our mouths. She said if you run into anyone else you should ask the same.."
Oh No....This can't be happening....
"Well?" Jordan asked.
I sighed and reached for my helmet. As soon as I felt something touch my shoulders I knew it was off. My eyes trailed down shamefully.
"Y-Your a girl?" Jordan and Spider asked at the same time.
"Yeah..." I said looking up then looking straight back down.
"Whoa..I didn't expect you to be a girl..." Spider said as he rubbed his head.
"My helmet muffles my voice and makes me sound like a guy...."
"What's wrong with your teeth?" Jordan asked as he took a step towards me and I took a step back.
"N-Nothing..." I said as I covered my mouth as I felt my eyes go pure red..
Fight it...I thought..Just Fight It,Don't let it control you,Poods...
Spider put his hand on Jordan's shoulder and said "Dude,She's the Vampire...."
Spider is sad but its hard to tell with him sometimes. Jordan looked down sadly and looked at me as Spider ran off into the woods.
"I-Im...S-s-s-s-Sorry..." I I felt the tear roll down my cheeks.
Before I could speak he just hugged me by surprise and cried a little bit into my shoulder.
"No,I'm sorry...Dude..." He said as he hugged me tighter..."You were always like a brother to a sister I guess..."
I hugged him back and mumbled three words before my vision went black.."I Love You..."

I woke back up and found my self covered in blood and blood dripping off if my teeth.
No..I thought as I looked at who I killed.Why...? I killed Jordan,two little holes were poked into his neck and he laid on the ground with his limbs spread all over the place and all the blood flushed from his face...
"P-Poods...?" I heard Spider say as I began to cry.
I fell to knees as I held my face. I heard a gun load as I turned to look at Spider.
"S-Spider?" I asked as I got up and looked at him.
He didn't look at me and pointed the gun towards me. I saw him ahead a tear as he pulled the trigger shooting me in the shoulder. I held my shoulder and looked at him as I fell to my knees.
"SPIDER,LOOK AT ME!!!!" I screamed at him as my voice slowly turned demonic.
He snapped his head towards me,his eyes filled with hate,sadness, and anger.
"STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!!!" He yelled as I approached him.
"Spider....." I said normally as he shot me and sent me flying against a tree.
My vision slowly went black as I felt the blood pour from my wounds. I closed my eyes as I found myself next to Spider and Jordan.
Spider seemed to be crying as I looked at my dead body. He fell to his knees as he began to scream WHY?!?!
Jordan looked at me as he handed my my helmet. I took it and placed it over my head,letting my blonde hair lay on my shoulders still. He laughed and I laughed as we flew up and through the portal,but this is just the beginning of our story......

Request are Open for a short story for me to write...Also hello I am back from camp !!!YAY!!! :3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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